“He always appeared in the hallway, there was noise that day, but we thought it was nothing terrible.”



04.09.2020. 22:22

A teenager MM (17) from Paraćin was arrested on suspicion of stabbing his father Boban M. (42) to death on Wednesday night.

Police, sirens, lights, police siren

Police, sirens, lights, police siren, Photo: Alo.rs/M.Š.

A gruesome crime took place in the apartment where the young man lived with his mother when his father came to them. According to the first information, the murder was preceded by a fight between the father and the son over the problem that, as is suspected, the murdered man caused the teenager and his mother.

– He approached them and they began to argue. Years ago they had problems. The argument soon turned into a fight, after which the teenager took a knife and stabbed his father up to six times: in the chest and abdomen, says a source familiar with the case.

According to him, the boy’s mother, Boban’s ex-wife, Daniela, was there the whole time and tried to separate them.

– Boban seriously injured The ambulance, called by Daniela, found him lying in a pool of blood. They tried to resuscitate him, however, he succumbed to his injuries after being transferred to the hospital – adds our source.

Promotvini MUP spot

Photo: Youtube Printscreen

Upon the arrival of the police, MM confessed to the crime, after which he was arrested and ordered by the police for up to 48 hours. Yesterday he was transferred for questioning to the competent Superior Prosecutor’s Office in Jagodina, where he presented his defense.

– He recounted everything that happened at the hearing. That family had tense relations for years, and the murdered Boban was convicted several times for various crimes – says our interlocutor.

After the hearing, the investigating judge ordered the young man to be detained for up to 30 days due to public harassment.

In the building where the crime occurred, the neighbors are shocked. As they say, on the fateful day, nothing indicated that a terrible tragedy would happen.

– This is a building where domestic violence is common. Almost every day, the neighbors fight, bang, yell. That day we also heard noise, but no one reacted, thinking that it would calm down quickly – says one of the neighbors who wanted to remain anonymous.

According to him, at around 7pm, screams and the creaking of windows were heard from the apartment where MM lives with his mother, after which police and ambulance sirens were heard.

– The boy and his mother recently moved into this building. They live as tenants. On Wednesday, when the police arrived, the boy left the apartment, approached them and told them that he had killed his father. After that, he was arrested – adds our interlocutor.

According to him, the suspect in his father’s murder was extremely calm and cultured and never caused any problems.

– He always called, he was not quarrelsome. The only thing is, like every teenager, he knew how to play louder music, so we all remember him for that. But that wasn’t a problem either. I don’t know what happened to him to kill his father – asks the neighbor, adding that he only found out what was happening to this family after the murder.

– The boy’s mother said that Boban caused him serious problems that he could not solve for years – he concludes.

The young man had health problems.

According to a source familiar with the investigation, the suspect in his father’s murder had health and psychological problems.

– A psychiatric expert opinion will be ordered in your case to determine if you are capable of participating in the procedure – says our source.
