And the crown, and the stroke, and the bilateral pneumonia, and the struggle for life with mechanical ventilation, everything that happened to Zoran Petrović from Grocka (59)! And he survived it all! Now he expects to be discharged from St. Sava Hospital every hour. The famous ones where a tough fight is being waged today for patients who have both a crown and a stroke.

And we are witnessing that, because Kurir is the first media team in this covid department. Zoran was already positive when his blood pressure jumped. He had struggled with it before, but for the first time he had a stroke right now, when he got the crown. However, he himself “worked” on it.
– My blood pressure rises, I go to the health center and in the middle of the ambulance I get a stroke. Let me tell you, I was not taking medication regularly. I’m a peasant boy, so I treated the pressure with a homemade brandy and coffee in the morning – Zoran laughs.

– I was very lucky to reach these wonderful people in “Saint Sava”! I was also on a respirator and came out – he says while getting baptized.
– The problem was pork rinds, bacon, pihtije … All that in front of my eyes. I am ashamed to talk. But I really like to eat that – says Zoran, otherwise a janitor at the music school. – Watch out. And for the New Year – adds Dr. Pavle Petrovic, anesthesiologist and coordinator of the department.

– There is no pig on the table – jokes the “roommate” from the bed next to him.
– Aaaa, it’s fasting, don’t worry – Zoran smiles, he looks great, one wouldn’t say he had a stroke the other day. And how.
– Mr. Petrović had an acute stroke in a very inconvenient place: the posterior cranial fossa. He also developed bilateral pneumonia. Within 24 hours, he was finished with noninvasive mechanical ventilation. After five days, we managed to remove it. Thank goodness the consequences of a stroke are not great. It is mobile, but it is clumsy – says Dr. Petrović.

We are entering an intensive care unit. Typewriters. There are also those who are in a coma, with a respirator. The day is gloomy. The windows, of course, bare. The sight shoots Stefan Nemanja. He is standing in front of the old railway. Some look at it. But they don’t seem to know where they are or what they see. Sadness.
There is also Zeljko Grgic (62) from Obrenovac. It has “only” one crown. They pushed new beds to receive “ordinary” covid patients. All hospitals are full. – I was in the Arena, I was breathing well for 3-4 days. And then no way, then they transferred me here. Thank goodness everyone. I have no words for how they look at me. They exaggerate a bit – Zeljko smiled.

We went through all the rooms. With us is a gracious hostess, Chief Nurse Olivera Đurović. The same image everywhere. Many lie and are silent. Sometimes he says “good morning”. All the way to Zoran, who is very happy … And there is growth.
We are leaving. Of course, you cannot go to and from the red zone by the same “road”. We take long corridors, like in a maze, towards the exit. And in that semi-basement collision a collision with two open suitcases! Leaning against the wall. The undertaker has lived there for years. “Maybe they are just waiting for someone from above. Someone who loses the battle. And there were many of them. You don’t know who kills more: the crown or the coup. And only when two evils come together …
Kurir.rs/Jelena S. Spasić
Photo Ana Paunković

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