Hate speech in parliament is the trigger for violence against journalists from H1 and Nova S


A group of 20 non-governmental organizations and journalists’ unions condemned, through false accusations, insults and attacks against journalists from Nova S and H1, by the deputies of the ruling majority. So far, neither the President of Parliament nor the Prime Minister have spoken on that occasion. The accusations of foreign mercenaries and domestic traitors and anti-state enemies, and that rhetoric in parliament in general, can provoke an aggressive reaction from individuals in society, and thus the safety of journalists is endangered, sociologists conclude.

In the previous days, it was possible to hear from the parliamentary seats that TV N1 and TV Nova S were “anti-state constructions”, “anti-Serbian media”, “foreign mercenaries, domestic traitors”, that “there are political parties little by little registered” and that their behavior was “absolutely anti-state.” “.

There is no “D” on the agenda, but that is the reason why the target of certain media and journalists spent hours in the government part of the assembly hall, a debate in which he is simply not absent. Parliament has shown how to turn those who defend objective and independent information into enemies of the state.

Just think for yourself warns editor-in-chief of weekly NIN Milan Ćulibrk.

And even if you have decided to say it publicly, 99.9 percent is to join the list of enemies of the State. The moment you start thinking about how the government interprets what you are writing, that moment is over. From that moment there is no more freedom or journalism. in Serbia, “he said.

NUNS President Zeljko Bodrozic recalls that this type of persecution was already seen in the 1990s, and that it did not end well.

“I am also very afraid for my colleagues. In the Assembly of Serbia, some enemies of the state are publicly pointed out, which ones? Should they be eliminated? Because we cannot understand that otherwise,” says Bodrozic.

Or we can. Because the younger progressives, MPs for the first time, were publicly praised by their head of parliament, Aleksandar Martinović, for their hate speech.

“I want to thank my young colleagues from the parliamentary group ‘Aleksandar Vučić – For our children’ because they fully exposed the fear of the media to the Dragan Đilas government,” Martinović said.

The question “Why this dangerous amount of insults and supports such an attitude towards journalists?” We appoint SNS deputies with more experience. Dragan Shormaz did not reply, Vladimir Djukanovic wrote: “I was not informed. I have no idea what it is.” And MP Aleksandra Tomić explains that, when she was at the beginning, nobody told her what we were and what we were not allowed to say, and did someone show her the consequences of such rhetoric?

“I think they know it much better than our older colleagues, how dangerous it is, but it is not advisable to draw attention to who will say what and how they will speak. Perhaps there are citizens of Serbia who say that what we have the opportunity to hear on H1 and Nova S, it is also not correct, I will use that word intentionally, I will not use some more difficult words, and how can I tell you, those are cause and effect reactions ”, explained MP Tomić.

Sociologist Dalibor Petrovic says that radical discourse in parliament is getting more and more intense and that it is not good, because, as he says, it leads to contamination of the public sphere. We ask: Do parliamentarians threaten the safety of journalists with such rhetoric?

“I do not believe that as a result there will be a radicalization of certain structures in this society that are now going to carry out a kind of aggression towards these media, but I would not be surprised if individuals appeared who will let themselves be carried away by that attitude that generates crisis dialogue, with con the idea that if the deputies can insult the representatives of the media and the media themselves in the most brutal way, I, as an individual, would not express my position, ”explains Petrović.

In a joint statement, 20 non-governmental organizations assessed that hate speech turns parliament into a training ground to place unfounded accusations and attacks against independent media, prominent people and all those who have a critical attitude towards society. We ask for the reaction of the new President of the Assembly, the Secretary General of the Assembly and the Prime Minister, but for now we are not included in that agenda.
