HARD DAY AT VMC KARABURMA! Dr. Udovicic: Two young men died, they had no associated disease


Udovicic said their capacities are around 135 beds and that they will continue to receive patients during the day.

– Unfortunately, in the last seven days, we had five deaths, three deaths were older and two young people of 38 and 43 years. These young people did not have any associated disease – said Udovicic.

This shows, he says, that kovid-19 does not choose age and that both the old and the young die from the disease. He also advised young people to be careful, especially the obese.

The biggest problem for the health system, as he himself says, are the capacities in semi-intensive and intensive care, where the most difficult patients are cared for.

The problem is not the respirators and other necessary devices and equipment, but, as he puts it, the places and the personnel who will take care of those people.

– The capacity of our intensive care is 14 beds, but if necessary we can expand from 18 to 20 beds – he says and adds that 70 patients who are treated with them are on oxygen therapy and receive from two liters to 15 liters of oxygen.

– We never know which of the patients who receive 15 liters of oxygen will have to be admitted to the intensive care unit, when 15 liters are no longer enough – says Udovicic.

130 health workers treat patients in VMC Karaburma’s red zone, while 20 people work in the green zone. About twenty people in the red zone are currently out of action.

– As much as we managed to save employees in the first two waves, the crown tax is now paid by employees throughout the healthcare system. The numbers are very large. It’s impossible to protect yourself from the virus now, says Udovicic.

He points out that after nine months of work in the covid system at VMC Karaburma, they provided, perhaps, the best protection conditions for health personnel, in terms of personal equipment, green zone, crossings, showers after work in the red zone , enough rest for the staff.

– There are so many viruses in circulation, and all employees have their families, they carry out everyday activities, making it difficult to protect themselves. They are often infected at home, outside of work. In general, kovida 19 forms are getting smoother, good part of them should work again. Everyone is motivated to work in the red zone even after kovid, he claims.

When asked when he had the most difficulty working in the red zone with covid patients, Udovicic said that it is always difficult for him and his colleagues when someone young dies, as they watch a young life end and have no way to help.

– For me personally, the most difficult day in this hospital was when I had to intubate my colleague with whom I have worked for 15 years, who had a severe form of the coronavirus. Fortunately, she made a full recovery, even though she was on a respirator, and is now healthy and happy in her family circle, Udovicic says.

It happened to them that they had a young man, who had no associated diseases, in which he developed severe pneumonia and could not fight the virus.

– It happens that today you speak with a young person, who is in relatively good condition, however, the next day the condition worsens to the point that he dies the next night. These are the most difficult moments for the team that is with that patient, when you observe the last moments of the life of that young man and you have no way to help – he concludes.

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