Haradinaj’s party calls on Kosovo government to end dialogue with Belgrade


The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo requested an extraordinary meeting of the Government of Kosovo, after the Special Court presented indictments against Hashim Thaci, Kadri Veselji, Jakup Krasniqi and Recep Selimi, and asked the Government to end the dialogue with Belgrade. The president of the Kosovo Democratic Alliance, Isa Mustafa, stated that “the Kosovo Government has no reason to interrupt the dialogue with Serbia, which is in the interest of Kosovo.”

Mustafa, who is the undisputed leader of the ruling coalition in Kosovo, responded to the proposal of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo and its leader Ramush Haradinaj that dialogue with Serbia should be stopped.

Mustafa notes that there is no reason for Kosovo not to cooperate with the European Union, and “dialogue is primarily in the interest of Kosovo, not Serbia.”

Among the demands of Ramush Haradinaj’s party, which leads the government with the Kosovo Democratic League, is an emergency meeting of the Security Council on the general security situation in Kosovo, reports RTS.

The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo also calls for an extraordinary session of the Assembly in support of the values ​​of the former KLA, and a meeting of the entire political spectrum to find national unity.

They point out that institutions face political and constitutional challenges.

“The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo is following with concern the developments following the accusations of the Specialized Chambers for ex-combatants of the Kosovo Liberation Army,” the party said.

Earlier today, the President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, announced that the KLA Crimes Tribunal in The Hague upheld the accusation against him and that he was resigning as president, and surrendered to EULEX investigators.
