HAPPINESS IS BEING WITH THE BELOVED ON THE CRAZY NIGHT: New Years Eve with heroes who treat the most serious cases of Kovid 19 day and night (PHOTO)


Surprisingly, it was as if the crown had calmed down during the craziest night and given them a little respite because there was no great reception and the hospitalized had a quiet night, without crisis or deterioration. What it will be like in the morning is difficult to predict. At the Kovid Hospital, 282 patients are currently treated on the fourth, fifth and ground floors of the Clinical Center. Five are in serious condition and are connected to artificial ventilation devices.

– The most difficult thing for me is that at least they cannot see our smile and that gives them a little hope and encourages them. It’s not easy for anyone tonight. But, this is our calling, we have chosen to be doctors and to be on call as an integral part of our private lives. And they did not want or plan this, New Years Eve in the respiratory center, says anesthesiologist Milan Tatic, who recalls that he was on duty last New Year’s Eve, but that it is especially difficult because he left his pregnant wife and four-year-old son at home.

Each of these doctors has their own story and their own fears, what if they infect or endanger their loved ones? But none of them give up, so Prof. Dr. Radivoje Kocic, Assistant Director General for Internal Affairs, praises their sacrifice and solidarity. Like every night, he came to visit them and check if everything was working properly. The report is presented by his sister Maja Markovic, who is in charge of personnel, therapies, hygiene, food …

– The night, like any other, will be a time of celebration. When I couldn’t travel to Thailand, it’s not a problem for me to be at work, says anesthesiologist Ivana Mitic. – – Be glad there is nothing here tonight because the best time is with your loved ones, says Milan Stanković, a physiatrist who normally works in child rehabilitation and is now in charge of receiving new patients at Kovid Hospital.

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