Half of the voters of the SNS would not be vaccinated – Society


The respondents who voted for the ruling parties in the last elections, 51 percent of them, would accept the vaccination, if it is recommended by doctors and experts, and 17 percent of them if it is recommended by the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić .

Half of SNS voters would not be vaccinated 1Photo: BETAPHOTO / MEDIA CENTER BELGRADE

Respondents who supported parties that went to the polls made a similar statement (53 percent would listen to doctors), while 48 percent of supporters of parties that boycotted the elections said they would not be vaccinated under any circumstance: Demostat survey showed What do citizens of Serbia think about the Kovid 19 virus pandemic?

As far as is known, this is the first time that the results of an investigation on the issue of public confidence in medical and political decisions in the crown era have been made public.

In the words of Demostat’s principal investigator Srećko Mihailović, such a finding undoubtedly shows that the crown is not only a medical problem, but also a political one.

It raises the question of whether our “political insanity” has reached the point where we broadcast our own political views in reaction to health problems.

– If so, then the devil took the joke, really. That same group of supporters of the parties that boycotted the elections would listen to at least doctors and experts, that is, to a lesser extent than all the others, only a third. Those who do not have close parties, and we know that it is half of the citizens of this country, trust doctors and experts, but 33 percent of them would not accept vaccination under any circumstances, and up to 21 percent had no answer. to this question, says Mihailović.

He points out that health is one thing and politics another, and warns: “those who interfere, God help us.”

The research also measured trust, that is, mistrust in the actors of the measures against kovid 19, that is, in doctors and scientists, the President of the Republic, crisis personnel, the government of Serbia, the World Organization of Health and the media.

– Only in the case of doctors and scientists, we have more citizens who trust than those who do not. That proportion is 44 to 14 percent, with a large number of undecided (42 percent). In all the others, distrust is greater than trust. With the President of the Republic, distrust is 39 percent, trust is 31 percent. Crisis staff: mistrust 35 percent, confidence 30 percent. Serbian government: 41 percent (distrust) versus 26 percent (confidence). World Health Organization: 29 (mistrust) versus 24 percent (trust) and the worst is the media: 19 percent of respondents trust and 36 percent mistrust – says Mihailović.

He estimates that such findings further convince on the position that there is a high degree of confusion in Serbian public opinion, especially when the number of undecided people is added with mistrust.

Regarding the behavior of the respondents, one of the most important questions was whether or not the respondent wants to be vaccinated against corona, if that vaccine is available and free.

Half of the respondents answered that they wanted, 31 percent did not want and 17 percent were undecided.

Mihailović assesses this result as devastating and adds that it is an expression of great disbelief and mistrust in medicine, the health profession, and ultimately science.

– When asked if they respect physical distance, 54 percent (of those surveyed) answered that they respect, 11 percent that they do not respect and a third (35 percent) that they sometimes respect, sometimes not. The claim that a mask is always used where there are a lot of people is accepted by two thirds of the respondents, 11 percent do not accept it, while less than a quarter sometimes wear it, sometimes do not wear a mask, says Mihailović .

The fourth indicator referred to the acceptance of preventive measures against the crown. According to the principal investigator of Demostat, this is the most accepted type of behavior offered. 75% of the respondents accept the mask and the distance, 14% sometimes yes, sometimes not and 11% do not accept, says Mihailović. The Demostat research team conducted the research in mid-September this year through a direct personal interview within the general survey, on a sample of 1,200 respondents.

Lowest salary for every third private employee

According to Mihailović, in addition to health, kovid 19 has two other key consequences: one refers to the loss of a job and the other to a reduction in wages. Mihailović points out that the finding in the case of Serbia is catastrophic from the point of view of comparing the loss of jobs in the private and state sectors. “In the private sector, 29 percent of those surveyed say their salary is lower, and only 1 percent say their salary has increased. At 70 percent, the salary stayed the same. In the public sector, the salary is lower for 7% of those surveyed, higher for 3%, while the salary remained the same for 90%. We see that the salary in the private sector has been reduced four times more than in the public sector “This difference shows that workers noticed the inequality of these two sectors a long time ago, and that it is completely normal for people to want to work in the state sector,” notes Mihailović.

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