Half of the Serbian population will be vaccinated in three phases


WE DISCOVER THE VACCINATION PLAN: Half of the population of Serbia will be vaccinated in three phases

Photo: Tanjug / Jaroslav Pap

Vaccination against the crown in Serbia is planned in three phases by priority groups, so that in the first phase 10 percent of the population is vaccinated, in the second 10 more, and in the third 30, so that half of the population is immunized, according to the covid vaccination recommendations. 19 diseases, prepared by the Committee of Experts on Immunization of the Ministry of Health, which El Correo learned about.

In a first phase, the employees of health institutions with the highest risk of developing or transmitting the infection (up to 3% of the population), employees of nursing homes and other social welfare institutions and the elderly group. The second phase is planned for people with comorbidities who do not belong to the oldest age groups and for employees of certain institutions of importance for the functioning of society.

Ana Brnabić, vaccination
photo: Tanjug Zoran Žestić


The third phase is reserved for employees of educational institutions, essential personnel outside the medical and educational sector, employees of laboratories with a high risk of contagion and people of a certain social status.

We are witnessing that vaccination did not originate from health workers, as this document recommends, but from users of nursing homes. The document also indicates that in the oldest age group, the expert committee recommends that the reduction of morbidity due to serious forms of disease and death be achieved by immunizing the population at greatest risk.

Serbia, as a member of the Kovaks vaccination initiative, has an obligation to determine priority groups, according to the document, which states that the overall goal is “the vaccination of at least 20% of the Serbian population during 2020-21″. years”.

vaccination plan
photo: Document


– The recommendations will be reviewed and revised periodically (at least quarterly) after acquiring new knowledge about the characteristics of the virus, the epidemiology of the disease and the characteristics of vaccines – says the document.


* vaccine availability 1-10% of the population

Phase 1a:

– Priority groups of employees in health institutions

1. employees in intensive care units at kovid hospitals

2. employees in kovid outpatient clinics of health centers and hospital admission and triage centers

3. employees in kovid hospitals in direct contact with patients in the wards

Four. used in laboratories for direct diagnosis kovid 19

5. employed in surgical and intensive care rooms in some hospitals

6. employed in other nekovid hospital wards

7. employees in health centers

* Depending on the amount of vaccine available, priority may be given to employees in health facilities who are at high risk of developing serious illness due to SARS-CoV-2 infection (older than 60 years, employees with comorbidities)

* Employees of private sector institutions involved in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with kovid 19, as well as other health institutions, should be planned according to the degree of risk and priorities that will be defined later, according to the amounts vaccine available.

– Employees in nursing homes and other social welfare institutions

Phase 1b

1. people over 65 years of age permanently residing in nursing homes and other social welfare institutions

2. people over 75 years of age in the general population

3. people in the age group 65-74 years in the general population with multiple risk factors

Four. users of social protection institutions (except nursing homes) in which it is difficult or impossible to implement non-pharmacological prevention and control measures

*prioritize people with comorbidities that increase the risk of severe covid 19 and death

*note: phases 1a and 1b will take place at the same time in a certain period, depending on the available quantities of vaccines, as well as the characteristics of the vaccines themselves


* Vaccine availability for 11-20% of the population

1. people in the age group 65-74 years of the general population who were not included in the previous phase

2. people younger than 65 with comorbidities or a medical condition that poses a high risk of serious illness or death

3. Employees in vital services / institutions (with an increased risk of developing or transmitting the disease or who cannot provide physical distance)

Four. Employees of the state administration and local self-government who are especially exposed to infections (direct work with clients, work in the field, etc.) or who are especially at risk from the appearance of serious forms of illness and death (presence of comorbidities)

5. Employees in public and utility companies

6. Employees of the Ministry of the Interior and Justice

7. Employees in companies and institutions of special importance for the operation of the company determined by the Government of the Republic of Serbia or an administrative body to which the Government entrusts the preparation of said list of priorities.

8. Employees in education, in institutions with higher risk of virus transmission (universities and secondary schools)

9. Employees in preschool institutions

modern vaccine, vaccine
photo: Shutterstock


* Vaccine availability for 21-50% of the population

1. Employees in educational institutions with lower risk of virus transmission (primary schools)

2. Essential personnel outside the medical and educational sector not covered in the second phase

3. Used in the production of vaccines and in laboratories in places with high risk of infection

Four. People who are at increased risk of infection due to their social status because they cannot provide physical distance

4.1. Migrants and asylum seekers in collective accommodation

4.2. Groups of people living in unsanitary settlements

4.3. Homeless people and people living in extreme poverty

4.4. People over 50 years of age serving criminal penalties


In all phases in which, in addition to other criteria for defining priorities (eg, Age), the presence of comorbidities is included (chronic diseases that pose a particularly high risk of severe covidity 19 and death), there are consider the following groups of diseases:

1. malignant diseases

2. chronic diseases of the heart and blood vessels

3. chronic kidney disease and dialysis

Four. diabetes (type 1): people taking insulin; all people with diabetes and high glucose variability, coefficient of variation> 36%

5. chronic liver disease

6. chronic lung disease

7. immunosuppressive conditions, including organ transplantation

8. neurological diseases, including cerebrovascular diseases

9. obesity (BMI> 40 kg / m2)

10. resistant hypertension with blood pressure values> 140/90 mmHg despite the triple combination of hypertensive

Messenger / Jelena S. Spasić

Photo: Tanjug / Jaroslav Pap

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