HALF OF SERBIA COULD NOT SLEEP … One tropical night in mid-October, a hot wind was blowing, and at 7.00 it measured 27 DEGREES!


Maybe you slept badly, rolled over in bed, woke up drenched in sweat? No, it is almost certain that the problem was not in you or in your health, but in a completely crazy moment, totally unusual for the beginning of October.

Apart from the rain, occasional showers, as well as the hurricane wind that blew in Belgrade, but also in Banat and some other parts of our country, the problem was the extremely high temperatures for this time of year.

“After a tropical night of 25 ° C, a strong storm is approaching Belgrade. The current temperature is 24 ° C and blowing a strong basket,” meteorologist Djordje Djuric wrote this morning on social networks.

According to data from the Republic Hydrometeorological Institute, at 7 in the morning, the temperature in Belgrade was 24 degrees, in Požega it was 25 and in Valjevo it was almost incredible 27 degrees!

Temperatures at 7:00 pmPhoto: RHMZ / screenshot

Temperatures at 7:00 pm

So behind us is a tropical night (when the temperature does not drop below 20 degrees), which is quite unusual for October, but mainly due to the hot wind blowing like a hair dryer.

Yesterday was one of the hottest, temperatures exceeded 30 degrees …

– This was an extremely warm October day. Temperatures in some places exceeded 30 ° C, and in Sombor the absolute maximum for October fell, which was 29.4 ° C so far, Serbian Meteo wrote.
