Hajrić: Rebić is the one who politicizes the case of beating young people in Novi Sad


Sociologist Dario Hajrić told H1 that the big question is whether the case of beating a young man in Novi Sad would have been actively resolved if the recording of that incident had not reached the public. He noted that the public has the right to have a say in the work of the police, and that in this case there is a good reason for it. At the same time, he warned that the feeling of impunity is what incites such violent behavior.

In Novi dan, Hajrić reminded TV N1 that the beating of a young man in Novi Sad occurred about twenty days ago, and that the police only came out with a picture yesterday suspect and asked citizens to provide information if they knew anything about that person.

“The question is what exactly was done in those twenty days, we did not receive that information from the police. The big question is whether the case would have been actively resolved if it had not reached the public. I am sure the police formed the case in the paper, but in terms of search, it is quite interesting that we did not have information in the media, despite the fact that we have a dangerous and potentially armed person on the loose ”, he warned.

He also appreciated that the recording of the incident caused a good public outrage because it is more brutal than everything we are used to, although, as he said, every day we see violence in the media.

Referring to the statement of the director of the police, Vladimir Rebić, who said he was in connection with this case leads a political chase in the police, Hajrić pointed out that the public has the right to comment on the work of the police, who in 20 days failed to catch the suspect, nor to announce what they have managed to do so far.

“The police were forced to inform us in a timely manner, to request prior information. The police can no longer play on their reputation (…) The fact that Rebić is trying to translate this into the political arena is ridiculous, no one before that he has politicized the issue, that’s exactly what he is doing, “Hajrić said.

He also recalled that the police were very efficient when they detained the protesters three months ago, and that we do not even know if an Interpol warrant was issued against the Novi Sad thug, as “it could have ended up in Australia until now” . “.

When asked what encourages such violent behavior, Hajrić assessed that it is a feeling of impunity. Instead of debating the amount of punishment threatened, it is his opinion that it is necessary to create the impression among criminals that they will be caught and prosecuted.

“Often there is a situation where the suspect escapes somewhere and looks for him for years, or the judicial process becomes more difficult for years. We had a situation where securing a raft killed a manSo they dragged on that case for three years, “Hajrić said.

Hajrić also said that he would not blame the immediate witnesses of the incident in Novi Sad, because he is not sure that any of them can defeat the attacker, and that the best they could do was inform the police. According to him, the real question is how long it took the police to reach the scene, since the beating took place in the center of Novi Sad.

Hajrić warned that the field of politics is a great generator of violence and the main culprit for the situation in society, because it irresponsibly uses the enormous media space that has to “somehow standardize such language and such actions.”

Let us remind you that they are on social media Friday night. a horrible shot appeared, which shows an unknown young man brutally beating another man, and then, while lying unconscious on the ground, he breaks his arms.

The Interior Ministry announced that searching intensely for Ivan Kontić (30), suspected of hitting.

N1 discovers that Kontić is a member of the security of the MaxBet bookmakers, as well as a business partner of the owners of those bookies. As we learn, the beaten man also participated in the security of those facilities, and the reason for the beating was allegedly unresolved business relationships.

Police director Vladimir Rebic stated that the doctors informed the Novi Sad police about the August 24 beating. The head of the Novi Sad Police Administration, Milorad Šušnjić, stated that the police have been working to clarify the case ever since.
