GUITARIST BURNED IN A CAR NEAR KIKINDA: Friends say goodbye to Petar – two great tragedies marked his life (PHOTO)


Although the police did not announce his identity until tonight, friends announced on social networks that Petar Tanackov (49), known to the people of Kikinda as a great music lover, played guitar with city musicians in a popular bar every Wednesday before the Corona epidemic, was killed.

– Unfortunately, our friend, a musician, died, he played guitar, drums and sang beautifully. We went out on Wednesdays earlier in live concerts. She had a great tragedy when her eldest son died of a serious illness five years ago. Then he had another accident, because his youngest son was in a serious car accident and has not yet recovered. It was hard to bear it all. Today we received the news of the third accident of that family. Terrible – said a musician who often played with the wounded “Novosti”.

Photo: UG’s Facebook page “Suvača dmeo fest”

As we already announced, Petar Tanackov cruelly lost his life when he landed in a Peugeot 206 car from the highway to the canal, on the Kikinda – Rusko Selo highway. The car caught fire and the police found the charred corpse of the driver in the investigation.

The tragedy was discovered when a citizen reported to the police around 1 pm that he saw a burned-out car on the canal. It is presumed that the driver, who was alone in the car, lost control of the vehicle, and from the road he landed in a channel about three meters deep in which there was no water. Other details of this accident are unknown. The on-site investigation was carried out by members of the police and the Kikinda prosecutor’s office, who ordered an autopsy on the body.

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