GUILT AND BRIDGE FOR THREE DEATHS: Today in Mali Iđoš is a day of mourning for the death of a young man and two girls.


Three young men, still facing life, were killed instantly in a car accident when they hit the bridge. The accident occurred when the BMW, driven by Dabanović, probably due to an unadjusted speed, hit the edge of the bridge and then fell into the canal. Due to the force of the impact, the vehicle crashed completely, the driver and a girl fell. The body of the girl who was trapped in the car was removed by firefighters.

– The children were hanging out in a bar in Kula, I think Danilo and Vrbašanka MV were a boy and a girl, while BP from Lovćenac was their best friend. Vrbas’s girl was supposed to spend the night with a friend, locals say. – Those who saw them for the last time say they were in the mood, they didn’t drink, and they took what happened next. This is a terrible tragedy for everyone. Danilo has two younger sisters and BP is a unit. We can’t even imagine what they are like.


The families of the victims, understandably, did not want to speak about the tragedy.

– We are waiting for you to notify us when the autopsy will be carried out, so that we can go find the body and prepare the funeral. If he had been lucky, we would have prepared his 18th birthday, not a farewell – victim BP’s cousin told us through tears

The car was moving from Calle 13 de Julio and hit the bridge directly, so, as the locals say, there is no signaling.

– Believe me, many in the village do not even know that there is a bridge in the middle of the road. It was supposedly installed a year and a half ago, but there is no warning sign or lighting – says local resident BB – It was a matter of days when a tragedy would happen. It is quite possible that the boy did not even know that the bridge existed, and when he noticed it, it was already late.

In the municipality of Mali Išoš, they say that the bridge over the canal is not yet finished.

– It is true that it became a bit strange, especially since there is a sharp curve right in front, so you have to be careful and reduce your speed. Why this is so, we do not know, everything was done according to the project of a few years ago, they tell us in the Municipality of Mali Idjos, where today is the Day of Mourning, for the funerals of Danilo Dabanovic and BP in Lovcenac, and MV in Vrbas.

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