Guests N1: Trump’s victory would show that he is not an anomaly, Biden returns everything to normal


Andrej Ivanji, a journalist for the weekly Vreme, says that “the most important question is whether Trump is an anomaly in an electoral process.” “Or it will turn out that if he is re-elected, that it is not an anomaly, that it was not an accident and that the United States has moved in a different direction than it has been since the end of the war,” he says. Stevan Nedeljković of the FPN Center for American Studies and the American Elections website says it appears that this year’s campaign was marked by one word: kovid. “Racial tensions did not come with the pandemic, but it ignited them,” he says.

H1 reporter Amir Krivošija, who reported from New York, said “the campaign did not stop.”

“Donald Trump and Joe Biden are still addressing potential voters through networks. When it comes to voting, it’s going well and peacefully, there have been problems in some countries. We haven’t had a pandemic like this in a hundred years. , people went to the polls mainly with masks, but there are also those who did not go out with masks, they are not prevented from voting, but they have to vote in especially isolated areas, away from other voters, ”says Krivošija.

Like you said, Joe Biden is in Pennsylvania.

“He will definitely address the American and global public from his headquarters in Wilmington, while Trump will stay in the White House and have a party with 400 guests, without respecting epidemiological measures,” Krivosija said.

Each state, he explained, has its own electoral law.

“Some countries have completely banned live voting today, there are a lot of votes by mail, it will probably be counted in days. The probability that we will know who the new president is tonight is very small,” says Krivosija.

Stevan Nedeljković of the FPN Center for American Studies and the American Elections website says that the electoral system has changed over the years and centuries.

“The modern electoral system says that citizens do not vote for candidates, even if they circle their names, but for voters. The idea of ​​the founding fathers who established the United States as we know it today was that several states could not prevail, but that small states were gaining in importance. ” says Nedeljković, adding that “many say that the story of the reform of the system will be told in the coming years.”

The journalist for the weekly Vreme, Andrej Ivanji, says that these elections are “really resolved by irregular elections.”

“It is, not only a year of pandemic, but also of racial unrest, of fires in California, I have the impression, at least from this European distance, that a certain state of emergency is being felt in the United States, and elections are being held under those conditions, “he said.

Nedeljković says it looks like this year’s campaign was marked by one word: kovid.

“In different ways, you have more than nine million infected people, that’s all that a current president doesn’t want in an election year. Racial tensions didn’t come with the pandemic, but it ignited them,” says Nedeljković.

Ivanji says that “Trump is actually offering himself to the voters.”

“His personality, and he questions the American system, institutions and foreign allies and is given a choice, his personality that came out of the reality show, Trump cannot be compared to any previous president of the United States,” Ivanji says, adding. that “that’s what his constituents like about him.”

He adds that the division of American society, which is so extreme, began with Barack Obama.

“During his tenure, there was an extreme division of American society. That great division occurred on his two terms. He is the man with whom a part of America could not reconcile for one reason or another,” he says.

Nedeljkovic says that “if you choose for financial reasons, you will choose Trump, and if you don’t trust everything he did in healthcare, then you will go for Biden.”

Ivanji believes that Biden, should he win, “would start to repair the holes Trump left.”

When asked about Serbs’ support in America for Donald Trump, Nedeljković said he believes “the scars of the 1990s did not heal Serbs in America either.”

“The democratic administration is a symbol of everything bad that happened,” he says.

“A similar person is looking forward to a similar person, I think he is there when we start from what Trump is like, what kind of internal politics he leads, what is behind him …”, says Ivanji.

As for Kosovo, says Ivanji, “this is really where the United States has recognized independence.”

“And that will not change anything there. If you look at the policy of Grenel and Trump so far, it was in the direction of destabilizing Europe, and if Europe destabilizes, Serbia and the region destabilize,” Ivanji says.

He says that “the most important question that arises is whether Trump is an anomaly of an electoral process.”

“Or it will turn out that if he is re-elected, that it is not an anomaly, that it was not accidental and that the United States has moved in a different direction than it has been since the end of the war.” From Bush, we go back to the old and famous in America and that’s it. In the event that Trump wins, internally I think that all the tensions, the divisions in society could come to even greater expression, “he says.

Nedeljkovic says that if Biden wins, we can expect a return to multilateralism in the field of foreign policy, until we know what his economic policy might be.
