GUEST NOT INVITED Four kitchen workers suspended in Nis, MICE ARRIVED IN THE KIDS GARDEN


Four workers from the central kitchen of the preschool institution “Pcelica” in Nis was suspended after he went out with food intended for children on October 29 in Kindergarten “Neven” came and the mouse.

The director of this institution, Svetlana Mitic, says that the food in which the uninvited guest was found did not reach the children, but was immediately returned to the kitchen.

– The mouse was in a basket that was delivered from the kitchen with other food, we really don’t know where it came from, considering that we are implementing all hygienic measures. The person in charge of the nursery immediately informed me about this fact, I took statements from all the employees in the kitchen and started a disciplinary process against four workers who were responsible for food safety. Their duty was to check the accuracy of both the food and the packaging before leaving the kitchen, but they obviously made a mistake, explains director Mitic for

He points out that rigorous sanitary measures are being taken in this institution to protect the health of children.

– On October 24, we had a working Saturday just to clean and tidy up the kitchen in general. Disinsection, disinfection and deratization are carried out regularly, the last time it was carried out on September 21. The Institute of Public Health tested the food on October 23, and on November 2 a report came in that it was safe to use and I really don’t know how it happened, says Svetlana Mitic.

He regrets that, as he himself says, this incident overshadows the dedicated work of educators and nurses in the conditions of the pandemic.

– We have been working without interruption since May 11, we have no sick children, which is proof that our hygiene is at an enviable level. We are doing everything possible to keep it like this, and we are very sorry that this happened, but I emphasize that the children were not in danger at any time – concludes the director of “Pčelica”.
