Guest left TV show accusing Vučić of treason – Politika


Some portals and activists on social networks described today’s incident on Pink TV as a “coming” of freedom or as a “problem in paradise”, but it is a growing nervousness within the extremist wing that supports or has supported the Progressive Party. Serbian.

The guest left the TV show accusing Vučić of treason 1

Introduced as a retired police colonel, while previously portrayed by the media as a retired intelligence officer, Slavko Nikić left the “pink television” studio with a statement heard loud and clear on the show that Aleksandar Vučić was a traitor.

The incident occurred on the morning show “New Day”, which is even more watched by hosts Predrag Sarapa and Irena Jovanović on Sunday.

The topic was radical Islamism in Kosovo, and the guests, in addition to Nikić, were Milovan Drecun, as well as retired Colonel Tomislav Đurin.

Sarapa asked if there was a danger of a terrorist attack. In Nikić’s presentation, Drecun, who is both a deputy from the AV-CIS list and chairman of the parliamentary committee for Kosovo and Metohija, said it was silly. Nikic lost his temper and got angry.

“Drecun can’t talk to me like that.” Then he got up and said: “Never call me again, call these traitors led by Aleksandar Vučić.” Upon leaving the study, Nikić repeated “You call the mice that are in the study …”

Slavko Nikić is a man of controversial biography, some sources link him to difficult and criminal events in Kosovo.

In the official biography, Nikic (born 1960 in Pristina) claims that he is the last survivor of the police unit that has allegedly been at war with drug traffickers in Kosovo since 1990. He is the author of the book “Zero Group” on drug trafficking. organs, as well as several others, including the book “The Last Order”, in which he defends the Hague convict Ratko Mladic.

In his official biography, Nikić claims that Mladić personally recognized him for the help provided throughout the Drina. Slavko Nikić’s official biography also says that he was the first to meet the French intelligence officer Jugoslav Petrušić Dominik, in the building of the Serbian Interior Ministry (on trial for preparing the murder of Slobodan Milošević in the “Spider” affair). Nikic was arrested in Operation “Saber” after the murder of Zoran Djindjic.

Podgorica media also wrote that Slavko Nikić was destined to play the role Aleksandar Sniđelić played in the case of the “coup” on election day in Podgorica in 2016, but he succeeded. Because of this, Slavnko Nikić was heard on

To the Belgrade Special Prosecutor’s Office in 2017. Later, in a television program, with Milomir Marić in Happy, he said that he was offered to participate in the preparation of the “coup”, but that he refused. Some media also present him as a colonel in the Central Cossack Army of the Russian Federation.

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