Group 484 member: Mostly young people in the demonstration against migrants, necessary prevention


Vladimir Petronijevic of Group 484 believes that the demonstration against migrants was organized on Sunday in the park near the Belgrade Faculty of Economics, which was invited by supporters of the right-wing movement “People’s Patrol”, one of which is a demonstration of the crisis in which our society finds itself. “We have a crisis in the family and the educational system, and above all we must reaffirm the values ​​of the anti-fascist struggle that must be woven in all postwar societies in Europe and the world,” he said, noting that the majority participated in the meeting. young boys.

“If you look at the people from last night’s rally, but also at the protests for Mirdita’s party, they are mostly young. We have to deal with prevention and establish the moral verticality that this society has … If you ask to clean the park, if you justify yourself “Restricting someone’s freedom of movement, legitimizing it, all this indicates incitement to national, racial and religious hatred, so there is an impact on our criminal law. So, repression is one of the responses to such actions, “said Petronijevic on live TV N1.

Remember that a young man recently also attacked a government building in Zagreb.

“I wonder, I ask you, can that happen in our country if things like this remain unanswered,” says Petronijevic.

He points out that it is necessary to distinguish two basic things: “freedom of expression and assembly is a right that is protected.”

“I cannot approach in value those who have conservative approaches to immigration policy, but if you say that you have some fear that migrants affect the cultural identity of the area in which I live, you have expressed a legitimate position. But there are three points behind From that, then it is no longer freedom of expression, we are entering another type of response where the State must react, ”said Petronijevic.

“We have to open that kind of dialogue within society. We have a new ministry here, although I think that dialogue should permeate all aspects of society, and as it is spearheaded by (Gordana) Comic, who has always been interested in that issue, I think we will make some progress on that issue, “he said.

When asked how he interprets the silence of state bodies, he says that “at some point, all state bodies will have to declare themselves, but I think it is better to declare ourselves now than when something happens that none of us wants.”

Migrants in Serbia are not in danger

When asked if migrants are afraid in Serbia, he added that he believes that “globally in Serbia, we do not have any significant problem between migrants and the local population.”

“There are forces in our society, there is an interest in creating a problem, as they do,” he added.

“I do not want to believe that this is a majority Serbia, and I am convinced of that,” he says.

However, he adds that this issue is also for the security sector, that is, the monitoring of those right-wing groups, so that such events do not become normal. He asks “who has the influence to make them (rightists) appear at a certain time?”

“It is not good for Serbia. And it leaves negative consequences on our society in the long term, especially when it comes to young people who are radicalized in this way, but it is also a problem in the region, for example in Croatia,” said Petronijevic.

When asked to comment on the case of the migrants who were found dead in Paraguay, in a container with mineral fertilizer that arrived from Serbia, he said there was no information on that specific case.

“But it is a confirmation of how dangerous the road they cross is and how risky their path is. We have somehow gotten used to the fact that the lives of migrants are not worth much. Thousands of them drown every year in the Mediterranean, and that somehow has become information that is no longer news. ” and that’s actually the most important thing in human life, “says Petronijevic.
