GRENEL TRANSMITS TRUMP’S MESSAGE TO SERBIO Special Envoy at the Liturgy at St. Sava Church in Milwaukee (VIDEO, PHOTO)


The special envoy of the US president for the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Richard Grenel, attended the liturgy today at St. Sava’s Church in Milwaukee, which was attended by the head of the church, Archpriest Staurophor Dragan Veleušić.

Grenel’s visit to the temple was organized by the “Serbs for Trump” initiative, as well as his meetings yesterday with representatives of the Serbian community from two federal states, Wisconsin and Illinois, during which he conveyed a message from President Donald Trump to the Serbian community.

The representative of the Serbs for Trump 2020, Olga Ravasi, told Tanjug that “for today only a visit to the church was planned, which capped a successful weekend with Ambassador Grenel.”

He recalled that the meeting with the Serbian community was scheduled for after the liturgy, but that it was held yesterday due to the very fluid schedule.

“President Trump also came to Wisconsin yesterday and we moved on, on Friday there were joint private meetings and on Saturday the most important with prominent representatives of the community,” he said.

During yesterday’s conversation with representatives of the Serbian community at the “Serbian House”, Grenel told Trump that the Washington agreement was difficult and that they were enthusiastic about its implementation, but also the opinion that the policy around Kosovo was Trump’s opponent in the November 3 election, Joe Biden. it will not go in the desired direction.

“We know exactly where the Biden administration is going to go, which is a direction we don’t want,” Grenel said, adding that the White House is proud to bring the two sides to the table to talk about the economy, exactly what Trump knows. best.

He recalled the invitation of the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, sent to Trump to visit Belgrade, and that Trump replied that he would go as president, when he wins again.

“He is working for you now, and now is the time to work for him,” Grenel said, urging American Serbs to vote, because, as he said, “they can make a difference.”

During private meetings with representatives of the Serbian-American community in Chicago and Milwaukee, Grenel and the Serbian community, plans for the future were also discussed, as well as vital issues regarding Serbia, the Serbian people and the Serbian diaspora.

The temple of the Serbian Orthodox Church, which Grenel visited today, is among the most beautiful in the entire Serbian diaspora, built in 1956 in Serbian-Byzantine style, its interior covered in mosaics, made over 35 years, worth more than three million dollars. The media ranked them among the most comprehensive in the United States.

The head of the temple, Father Dragan Veleusic, told Tanjug that they were honored by Grenel’s arrival and that he met with representatives of ‘American’ Serbs, in Wisconsin’s capital and largest city, where the Serbian community it is more numerous, as part of the electoral campaign that the US president attended yesterday. Donald Trump.

Serbs for Trump: an exceptional part to host Grenel in Milwaukee

The “Serbs for Trump” initiative announced tonight that it is a great honor to have the opportunity to host the US President’s special envoy for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, Richard Grenel, at the St. Sava Temple in Milwaukee.

As the initiative said on Facebook, the head of the church, Archpriest Staurophore Dragan Veleušić, presented Grenel with a book dedicated to the history of the Serbian Orthodox Church in North America.

Grenel also received a bottle of homemade plum brandy from the host, the Facebook post added.

“We thank the ambassador and President Trump for their kindness, friendship and commitment to our Serbian-American community,” they said, announcing their full support for the election of President Donald Trump.

Today, Grenel attended the liturgy at the San Sava Temple in Milwaukee, which was attended by the temple elder, Dragan Veleušić.
