Grenel told the citizens of Serbia: “Keep our word” – Politics


The US president’s special envoy for the Serbia-Kosovo peace talks, Richard Grenell, said that the agreements in question are not just about words on paper, but about jobs for the people, alluding to today’s new agreement between the chambers. of trade of Serbia and Kosovo on the working group. for the implementation of the Washington agreement.

Grenel told the citizens of Serbia: Photo: FoNet / Aleksandar Levajković

We wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for President Donald Trump, who believed that something different could be done and who believes that the economy should be in this place, Grenel said, emphasizing that the state does not create jobs, but the private sector.

What we have done in Washington is great, but it is not everything, we want them to keep our word and for what is on paper to become massive jobs, Grenel emphasized and said again to the citizens of Serbia: “.

This is the largest delegation in the United States, since the time of Jimmy Carter, and we are here two weeks after the Washington agreement, Grenel noted, recalling the September 4 economic normalization agreement signed at the White House.

You have the full attention of the United States government, and Donald Trump is the one who said: Let’s move on to economic normalization. What you see is the real commitment of the US administration, Grenel said.

We must pay tribute to President Aleksandar Vučić and Prime Minister Ana Brnabić, because they are really doing everything on the Serbian side to start this, Grenel noted.

Grenel said political journalists would like to see jobs tomorrow, but this will take time.

These are long-term challenges and it will be very difficult to put the process back in the bottle, he noted.

The ambassador of the United States of America in Serbia, Anthony Godfrey, appreciated that the meeting between the representatives of the Serbian and Kosovo Chambers of Commerce in Belgrade and the representatives of the US administration is a sign of the strength of the Washington agreement, which was signed at the White House.

Godfrey noted that the representatives of the chambers reached a new agreement on the formation of a joint working group to implement parts of the agreement, improve communication, trade and improve the standard of living of the people.

The president of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, Marko Čadež, welcomed the change in approach to solve very difficult and successful problems.

What he brought to the process, Chadez said, turning to Richard Grenel, who was stuck for a year, is talking about work, to see what is in the common interest and not what divides us.

History will remember this as a cornerstone of stability in the region, Chadez said.

Our 2013 agreement included an agreement between the two chambers to eliminate problems in everyday life, and now we have agreed to form a work unit, a team, that will oversee compliance with the agreement from Washington.

The president of the Kosovo Chamber of Commerce, Berat Rukići, assessed that it is important to be in Belgrade today, because after a long time, one can talk about business here and in Pristina, and not about politics.

We are here to support the Washington agreement for the economy of both countries, Rukići said, noting that the joint team will monitor the fulfillment of projects in the field of infrastructure, digitization, tourism and transportation.

The meeting at the US ambassador’s residence was also attended by Grenel and the director of the US International Development Finance Corporation (DFC), Adam Bohler.

Bohler presented the work of his organization, stating that he arrived in Belgrade with a group of five agencies, with the entire economic force of the US government.

This is the first joint statement by Serbia and Kosovo, and I want to commend the courage of both countries, Serbia and Kosovo, in choosing the people over the politics. Economic normalization means investment and business, and that’s the most important thing, Bohler added.

This is not the loss of one country, but the victory of another. Here the region wins and here the money is in the pockets of the citizens, said Bohler.

Asked about the US presidential elections and whether his policy under this agreement will change in the event of a change at the head of the United States, Bohler noted that the investments are an American idea, not a Republican or a democratic one, so he believes that all plans will continue as usual.

We are excited about opening an office in Belgrade and would not have done it if it had not been a sustainable process, added Bohler.

As previously scheduled, Grenel and Bohler will meet Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić and Prime Minister Ana Brnabić at 2 pm at the Serbian Palace, when a press conference is expected.

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