GRENEL ON THE PRESIDENT OF SERBIA: Vucic is a difficult negotiator, he is fighting for the Serbian people


“He is really fighting for his Serbian people,” Grenel said, broadcasting to Serbian Radio Chicago his impressions of the White House meetings, the result of which was an agreement on the normalization of economic relations between Belgrade and Pristina.

Grenel also confirmed that US President Donald Trump intends to visit Serbia, which would be the first time since Jimmy Carter.

“Now we have to work to find a date that suits both the White House and the National Security Council, which will also be involved in organizing the visit,” Grenel said.

On the occasion of the upcoming opening of the American Development Fund office in Belgrade, the first and only one in the region, which Radio Serbia sees as an indicator of Serbia’s leadership in the region and asks what that means, Grenel notes:

“First of all, Serbia has an excellent economy.”

He says that there are already a number of projects being worked on, and that “amount of work” is, he points out, the reason for the opening of the office.

“We tried not to deal with symbolism, not political symbolism, which a lot of politicians deal with … Our DFC office and agency in the United States thought there was enough work, where we could have a team on the field that could end everything. “These are all economically driven projects that we want to achieve, so I’m going to set up an office in Belgrade. Not for symbolism, but to respond to the large number of projects we already have, “said Grenel.

He says President Trump has from the beginning viewed the economy and job creation as something he can do well.

“He told me that it seemed to him that if we focus on job creation and investment from European and American companies, it would give young people faith in the future, so perhaps political problems would be easier to solve on their own. The president had a “The feeling that concentrating on purely political issues, for the past 20 years, obviously hasn’t helped. And the best thing you can do now is focus on creating new jobs. And that’s what we did, “Grenel said.

He notes that President Trump’s administration likes the idea of ​​a “mini Schengen” and wants everyone to participate in it.

“That is why we put it in these negotiations, to see that both Serbia and Kosovo (supposedly) participate in the mini-Schengen. And we really like the idea, it is a good idea of ​​trade cooperation and building multilateral organizations based on the profits and employment., in the fight for capitalism, “said Grenel.

I told the leaders of the region who are not part of the EU, says Grenel, that there are many ways they can create jobs and a more dynamic economy, precisely because they are not part of the EU.

“The GDPR rules are very restrictive and restrictive for American companies, and even European ones, for certain research and projects. And I told President Vučić to think directly about the ways in which Serbia can be a hub beyond these GDPR regulations and EU rules, yes. They take advantage that they are not part of the EU. I know they want to be part of the European Union and it is a long process, but while they wait, there is a way to take advantage of what they are in Europe , and they have much more flexible laws and regulations, Grenel told Chicago Serbian radio.

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