Grenel for Serbian radio in Ikago: that’s what we did differently VIDEO


Belgrade – The mediator in the negotiations between Belgrade and Pristina, Riard Grenel, told Serbian radio in Ikaga that the recent negotiations between the two sides in Washington were fierce.

Source: Sputnik



According to him, both parties wanted more.

Speaking about inviting US President Donald Trump to visit Serbia, Grenel said the US President would be happy to come, but the date of the visit has not yet been set, Sputnik reports.

Referring to the negotiations between Belgrade and Pristina, Grenel said that Serbian President Aleksandar Vuic “fought hard for the Serbian people”, as expected, and that the negotiations were “fierce, and both sides wanted more.”

As a reminder that Vuic invited President Trump to visit Serbia, Grenel said Trump primarily encouraged the parties and the region to really show that the economy is developing.

“The president would be happy to come, although there is no set date,” Grenel said in an interview with Dr. Olga Ravasi, president and founder of the group “American Serbs for Trump 2020”.

He added that to begin with, the most important thing is that everyone focuses on the implementation of the agreement. “It’s better to focus on creating new jobs and economic projects,” Grenel said.

He recalled that the agreement on economic normalization includes infrastructure projects for the construction of roads and railways, emphasizing that concentrating on economic projects can offer a better life to young people in the region.

Speaking about the opening of the representation of the US development agency DFC in Belgrade, Grenel said that “Serbia has an excellent economy and that there are a number of projects that could be worked on.”

“We need teams on the ground to respond to a series of projects that we are working on,” specified the US mediator, reiterating that the US position is that we should focus on the economy and job creation.

“Trump sees this 20-year conflict as something that has been mishandled. We have wondered what we can do differently, so far everyone has been focused on politics and we are focused on the economy. We want capitalism to come to the fore. region, big door, to create new jobs that those who have so far focused on the political aspect of the conflict between Serbia and Kosovo have failed.

Grenel emphasized that problems must be solved by those who live in a given territory.

“The approach to foreign policy is different. We do not want to interfere in solving problems. Problems must be solved by those who live in a territory, the people who are there, on the ground. Our role is to offer, to provide money for the implementation of projects so that we believe it can be successful, to follow the flows of that money and make sure it is spent on purpose.

Grenel noted that during the negotiations, they insisted on stopping Kosovo’s attempts to join international organizations for a year, so that key issues could be discussed.

On the other hand, when it comes to Kosovo-Israel relations, the Trump administration believes that the United States should try by all means to help Israel, which is in a very hostile environment. That is why it is important for us to strengthen the group of countries that want to support Israel. and we really wanted to include Kosovo in that group, “Grenel said.
