Grenel and “14 jeans from Pristina”


The envoy of US President Trump, Richard Grenell, shared on his Twitter account the text published in “Gazeta Express” under the title “14 cowboys in Pristina.”

Source: Tanjug

    EPA / Chris Kleponis / POOL

EPA / Chris Kleponis / POOL

He briefly commented on the news with: “Yes, it’s true.”

“Not one, but 14 American cowboys will arrive in our city today,” reads the text of the Pristina newspaper, which adds that there is a good chance that the Americans agreed that Richard Grenel would be their “sheriff” before the trip to Pristina.

There were many skeptics and some fools, who were convinced after the agreement between Belgrade and Pristina in the White House that the American administration would not support the agreement signed in the Oval Office of the White House, believing that the United States would simply surrender after the publication of the news. “.

To their great surprise, the newspaper writes, an expanded delegation from the Trump administration will visit Pristina, Serbia, Greece and Israel.

What I like most about this visit is the short time the delegation will spend in each city: two hours in Pristina, two hours in Belgrade, Athens and Tel Aviv, says the author.

Cowboys are like that, their visits are short, they speak harshly and clearly and leave no room for misunderstandings.

In other words, American cowboys are the opposite of bureaucrats in Brussels and Europe, the newspaper estimates.

The American administration, during the time of President Trump, and it is no secret, is significantly different from other administrations.

But, the difference is not that it is smooth, but that it is more American in terms of pace and arrogance, notes the newspaper “Gazeta Express.

The last thing we would like is to be on the other side of the coin, says the author of the text.

Earlier this year, due to the stubbornness of former Prime Minister Albin Kurti and his friends, we were seriously exposed.

Kurti and his circle of friends, although I could say otherwise, do not hate America as a continent or Americans as a people, but they hate the way Washington conducts politics immensely.

By Kurti’s standards, even the left in America is a radical right, although the right is not worth spending a word on, the newspaper claims.

Ideological animosity is a luxury for a country with nuclear bombs in its hangars.

Kosovo has grain reserves in its hangars in just a few months, the newspaper concludes, and recalls that Albanians in Europe have benefited more from the cowboy and sheriff policy.
