Grenel again on Belgrade and Pristina


Richard Grenell says an agreement was reached in Washington because both parties said it was time to take stock of their situation.

Source: Tanjug



It is as if the teams of former US President and Vice President Barack Obama and Joseph Biden ignored them for eight years.

“That deal was only because the Serbs and Kosovars said, ‘We believe this is the time for us, because the Obama-Biden team has ignored us for eight years, the time to analyze our situation and help us.’ “Let’s do it and look at what happened, we are in a peace campaign, with an economic normalization agreement,” Grenel told PSCPtv, reports “Koha Ditore”.

He claimed it is “one of those things that only works when a stranger thinks differently,” adding that “Donald Trump was a stranger at the time he jumped in,” Kosovo reports online.

“We are negotiating some things between Kosovo and Serbia, and the traditionalists, experts on the Balkans from the State Department, said that political issues should be discussed.” We have been doing this for 21 years and nothing has happened. Trump said: “Try to talk about the business of economic normalization, to see if there will be progress.” “Let’s talk about railways, economic development, job creation,” Grenel said.

Grenel also spoke on the issue of Lake Gazivoda, which the parties agreed to rename.

“It is a lake whose largest area is in Kosovo, and somewhat in Serbia. We have decided that this lake is an opportunity for economic development and should not be used properly. It was part of the negotiations that I decided to redirect them towards economic development. We said, ” Can the US Department of Energy send a team of experts and engineers to that lake? “And for the United States to pay for the viability and let’s see how we can work together to come up with the idea of ​​using this lake for energy and jobs,” Grenel said.

According to him, both parties agreed and liked the idea of ​​the arrival of the delegation from the United States Ministry of Energy, but at first the parties did not agree on the name of the lake.

“I told them that we are creating jobs, we are bringing in engineers who will analyze all these aspects, and we have returned to the name. We come to the conclusion that we call the lake by two names used by the parties. Both parties wanted to negotiate the name. “I joked that we could call it Trump Lake,” Grenel said.

He added that both parties immediately said they could agree on that name for the lake.
