Greece opens borders: what will happen to thousands of Serbian-owned properties?


The Greek Embassy in Belgrade recently announced that Serbian citizens who own real estate in this country will be allowed to enter, but under strict conditions.

Source: B92

Photo: Depositphotos, dimaberkut

Photo: Depositphotos, dimaberkut

“As for the entry of owners in Greece, in order to settle obligations related to their properties, up to 400 people will be allowed to enter each month, starting on November 1, 2020,” the Embassy said in a statement.

According to the announcement, this refers to people with permanent residence in the Republic of Serbia, if they submit an electronic application (via email from the Consular Department of the Greek Embassy in Belgrade) for the issuance of a special entry permit .

“We also note that entry into Greece is by plane, through the Athens International Airport ‘Elefterios Venizelos’, or by road through the ‘Promahonas’ border crossing,” the Embassy said.

How many Serbs have real estate in Greece?

According to the regime of Ana Pavlica Majorov, owner of the Roman real estate agency for the sale of Greek real estate, the number of Serbian people who own real estate in Greece is in the thousands.

According to some unofficial data, the number of about 6,000 owners in Greece, that is, taxpayers, is mentioned. Personally, I think it is much more. Serbs have been denied entry since the start of the pandemic until today. I should mention that there were two times when the openings were announced. borders during the summer and where the same kilometer-long columnar borders from the direction of Serbia were soon closed; miles of tourists and homeowners remained at the borders, waiting and begging not to be returned. “says our interlocutor.

Photo: Depositphotos, gustavofrazao

Photo: Depositphotos, gustavofrazao

What’s the interest in going to Greece now?

Remember that the announcement of the opening of the border refers exclusively to the owners of the properties and only to the owners, and not to the relatives.

“The conditions that are being put now are more than changes and cause even more anger among the owners. Many comment that they were given the opportunity to come just to fill the budget, because it is time to pay taxes, with the comment ‘Come, leave money and However, the day after it was announced in the media that it would be allowed The entry to the Serbs, I received about 20 applications for the E9 form, which is one of the documents required to apply for the entry permit to the Greek embassy. In the next few days many requests will be sent to the Embassy ”, he anticipates.

It’s understandable, he adds, that’s why even cold days don’t change the desire to come.

“Well, all these people have their heavenly money in Greece, which they couldn’t access all summer. I think many are worried because they don’t know what’s really going on with their real estate. It’s understandable. And above all, they want to come. “. From the moment they invest their savings in a couple of square meters in this sunny country, it is actually another house for them, a paradise where they spend those little days off with their loved ones that they receive during the year, they are filled with positive energy , they breathe the same air, they regenerate. their health and return to Serbia. Now it has been taken away. Without a reasonable and acceptable explanation, “says Ana Pavlica Majorov.

On the other hand, Nikola Nedeljkovi from Grekodom, a real estate agency in Greece and Cyprus, suspects that there will be massive departures to Greece.

“Yes, we also get some emails regarding the E9 form, but I don’t think a large number of people will go there now. Those who will or I suppose will travel just to see their apartments, check if” Everything is fine, they pay the fees and that’s it. Based on previous experience, most are expected to go to Greece with the beginning of spring, when the warmer weather begins and the season opens slowly, “Nedeljkovi explained to

What is the future of real estate?

When asked what we can expect to happen to real estate now, Pavlica Majorov said that it is not impossible for a certain number of them to end up for sale.

“There are owners who decided to sell a few months ago precisely because they cannot stay in their apartment. There are not many, but there are rumors in some social groups that they will sell and rebellious buyers suggest selling to Albanians and Turks because they feel dragged.” “I think there will be even more supply in the coming months. The pandemic crisis that has weakened the world economy, the loss of jobs, will result in a greater supply of both Serbian and Greek sellers in general,” he announced.

Photo: Darja Bal

Photo: Darja Bali

Where do Serbs shop the most?

“It is said that the largest amount of properties sold is at a distance of up to 50 kilometers from Thessaloniki to Halkidiki, from Perea to Potidea. That’s logging in, because the prices were the lowest on the aforementioned route, says Ana Pavlica Majorov.

Nikola Nedeljkovi affirms the same.

“People from the former Yugoslavia are attracted to northern Greece, the Olympic region. Fashion may be of great interest in Thessaloniki, but Halkidiki, Asprovalta, Thassos, Corfu are also in demand …”, he says.

Real estate prices

Despite the current pandemic, property prices in Greece have not changed dramatically in recent months.

“Real estate prices are falling slightly, around five percent compared to the previous months. The real estate supply has ‘dried up’ in the Greek market in the last two years, now it is increasing and that will probably cause a slight fall in prices, “concluded the owner of the agency.

Nedeljkovi, on the other hand, notes that one category could be particularly at risk.

“If tourism does not return to normal next year, the prices of smaller family hotels could be more affected,” he warns.

How have the months been for us?

The director of Grekodom assures that his clients had no problems, since his agency offers the service of paying taxes and other real estate bills in Greece, and that there were more problems with those who bought apartments directly from investors or through agencies that do not allow payment of these. costs on them.

“Also, there is still interest in the real estate sector. The problem is that closing the borders prevents people from watching the space live,” he added.

However, there have been sales examples.

“At the time of the pandemic, regardless of the closed borders, there were sales. With the appropriate powers, anything can be done. Of course, there was no approval from the Greek government for customers to come to Greece and complete the sales contract. , but everything can be done with good organization “The only thing that remains is the sad fact that someone bought the property and did not even come to collect the keys. Not to mention staying in it … “, says Ana Pavlica Majorov.
