Greater control of inspection of compliance with measures in shopping centers and markets


There are only 150 sanitary inspectors in Serbia, of which 18. in Belgrade. The head of the health ministry’s inspection affairs department, Dr. Svetlana Mijatović, said inspectors have been monitoring by priority for months.

These are mainly catering services and hotels, shopping malls, mega markets and all the large stores located throughout Serbia.

“Since this is now before the New Year holidays in all the cities of Serbia, there is intensive control action of the shopping malls and mega markets because we expect the number of visitors to increase, so we are somehow avoiding the infection to spread indoors, “he said. Mijatovićeva.

He adds that according to the data, the situation remains at the same level. All the republic and local inspections, mainly the communal inspection and the communal militia, carry out between 2,500 and 3,500 inspections daily, and there will be between 50 and 150 offenders.

“All inspections are carried out in the field every day, seven days a week. Last week in Kopaonik we had an action of tourist and health inspectors who inspected all the hotels and controlled the catering facilities. This weekend it is on the other side of Kopaonik, which belongs to the municipality of Brus, in Zlatibor. Of course, for the new year, we will be on duty and we will see that all measures are respected, including working hours “, emphasizes the head of the department of inspection matters of the Ministry of Health.

Considering that the capacities at Kopaonik and Zlatibor are practically exhausted, supervision is carried out continuously.

“For holidays and weekends, we will work with inspectors who are outside the territory of, for example, Zlatibor, who are from Belgrade or elsewhere, so that we can fully cover the New Year holidays and the entire tourist season, we hope it will be active in January, “said Svetlana Mijatović. .

How much are the measurements for the last weekend of the year respected?

Shops and catering work until 8 pm, with greater control over compliance with the measures. Inside, there can be one person for every nine square meters. The RTS teams checked how well the measures are respected in the cities of Serbia.

It was a usual Saturday market day in Vranje, all the green markets were open. There were customers, but no bulk purchases. In addition to the bags and purses from the market, masks are also required.

Butchery turnover is twenty percent lower compared to the same period last year. They apply measures and the guards control. They are visited by sanitary and market inspectors.

“Everyone wears a mask when entering the store, we wear masks, gloves, consumers keep a distance of two meters, respect the distance, so almost everything is fine, the maximum number of consumers in the facility since yesterday is of two customers, “said Dragana Stankovic, manager at the butcher shop.

In Vladicin Han, communal guards with inspection and police in command of the facilities.

“It was noted that the measures prescribed by the Crisis Personnel of the Republic and adopted by the Government of the Republic of Serbia in the territory of the municipality of Vladicin Han are respected, proof that we have the least number of new examinations and the least number of recently infected people in Pcinja district, “said Nikola Stamenkovic. Mayor Vladicin Han.

Despite the cold weather, rain and snow, the inhabitants of Nis and Požega take advantage of the extended time of the shops for regular or New Year’s purchases. The measures are respected, there are no large crowds.

According to data from the city headquarters for emergency situations in Vranje, the majority of citizens and businessmen respect the measures, there are exceptions, in the previous days they prevented the celebration of the 18th birthday in the restaurant and found a catering company who received guests late at night.
