Dr. Vladimir Bakarić, the first man in Croatian politics and economics for decades, if not all of Yugoslavia. in April 1945, he claimed, there were 24 percent Serbs in Croatia.
This was later explained by some political authorities in Croatia (and not only them), because during the Second World War, Srem was also affiliated with the KPH Party. It can be seen from the table above that according to the first post-war census of 1948, Croatian Serbs represented 15% of the population. However, no matter how it is calculated, again, the math doesn’t match. In 1945, the Serbian inhabitants of Srem could not represent 10% of the population of Croatia, so the statistics do not match.
A few decades later, a well-known Croatian communist, prewar lawyer, later Croatian prosecutor and civil servant, Jakov Blažević claimed in the 1980s that there were between 700,000 and 800,000 Serbs in Croatia. The same or similar was claimed by Dr. Stipe Šuvar, a well-known sociologist, the Croatian Minister of Education, the President of the SKJ, etc. It is obvious that their claims differ significantly from the officially released statistics. One of the controversial problems of the Serbs, with the HDZ authorities, was the 1991 census, which many called the deception of the Serbian people. The well-known economist Dr. Slobodan Komazec, who called the 1991 census in Croatia a “great statistical hoax and statistical genocide”, explains very clearly that the statistical data in Croatia, especially in 1991, were wrong.
AFTER several decades of migration, the Serbs from Avnoj Croatia were the most widespread and territorially mixed, which was on a much larger scale than the Croats and other nationalities. This was also because they really experienced all of Yugoslavia as their homeland, so they did not hesitate to settle in all regions of Croatia and Yugoslavia. This approach was an illusion and catastrophic for ethnic Serbs. Due to this approach and their migration to larger urban centers in Croatia, the assimilation and croatization of the Serbian people began, which is clear from the following data: “The fact that the assimilation process exists is demonstrated by these data, which is refer to Avnoj Croatia.
Croatian women married Croats in 91 percent of the cases in 1953, 89.6 percent in 1963, and 90.9 percent in 1987. In those years, they married Serbs in the amount of 4.5 percent. percent, 7 percent and 4.1 percent. In the same years, Serbian women married Serbs in an amount of 84.3, 75 and 67.7 percent. and for Croats of the aforementioned years 13.3, 21.7 and 26.6 percent “.
The proportion of purely Serbian marriages decreased dramatically. It was 2/3, and the ratio of purely Croatian marriages was 9/10. It is also evident that the proportion of Serbian women married to Croats was above 1% and had a tendency to increase, while the proportion of Croatian women married to Serbs remained at a low percentage, 4 to 5%.
KOMAZEC points out the following: “The political and nationalist nightmare allowed deliberate manipulations of the census material, especially in terms of the national structure of the population” … “So in the total number of manipulations they are almost impossible, or extremely dangerous (perceptible) , but in the structure of only possible but also very pronounced “…” The important changes between the last two censuses are found in three categories of the population: Croats, Serbs and especially in the category of Yugoslavs and others. the number of Croats is increasing (1971 and 1991), even higher in relation to the total population growth of the Republic (1981 – 1991) “.
It is highly illogical that from 1981 to 1991 the total number of inhabitants increased by 159,000 and the number of Croats in the same period by 253,000, which is more than 100,000 more than the total growth. Komazec further states that “Various pressures on national expression,” excommunicate “the Yugoslavs as nationally unidentified categories, the pressure on the population with such orientation and sentiment, has paid off, that this is very important in number (third in number after Croats and Serbs) “melted” and reduced from 379,000 – 1981 to just 44,700. 334,300 former Yugoslavs disappeared or were determined (or returned) to their native nation “…” Considering the natural increase from only 0.5 to 1.2 per thousand inhabitants in Croatia, which was the lowest in Yugoslavia except Bojvodina with 0.2 per thousand. ” Komazec states that an increase in the number of Croats in the 1991 census by 253,000 is not possible theoretically, much less in practice, and then states: “Namely, according to the statement of the director of the Institute of the Republic of Planning and Croatian statistics delivered to HTV, 80 percent, it is said simply, an attempt at such a forgery … “. It further states: “From the material available in Croatia, in a sufficiently representative statistical sample of several thousand Yugoslavs, it is completely clear that out of a total of 379,000 Yugoslavs, 82 to 84 per cent are Serbs. That is, of course, absolutely 320,000 “…

Photo Archive
THEREFORE, this official data of 580,000 Serbs, which is operated in public, is a pure political-statistical construction. It is a great statistical fraud and statistical nationalism, sadly with certain statistical consequences. Thus, an arbitrary number has been chosen, which will be manipulated in politics, and will not attract more attention. Taking into account the declared natural population growth and the official data from the 1981 census, 531,000 (11.6 percent) today (1991) in the Republic of Croatia live instead of 580,700 (12.2 percent) according to the Political census, actually around 940,000 to 945,000 Serbs, which compared to a total population of 4,760,000, constitutes 19.6 percent, one in five residents. That’s the real number of Serbs in Croatia, everything else is a statistical hoax “Komazec also shows that there was a simultaneous” melting “and disappearance of national minorities. That the statistics on the number of Serbs did not fit, can be seen from various Aspects The data presented, from 19 to 20 August 1990, when the declaration of Serbian autonomy in Croatia was held, again the statistics do not coincide.
Franjo Tuđman during the inauguration of the Military School “Ban J. Jelačić1” in Zagreb on December 15, 1998. He said: “Croatia has solved the problem of the Serbs in Croatia. We have accepted the return of some Serbs to Croatia, to avoid attacks on Croatia and objections that Croatia is a continuation of the NDH and does not want Serbs. We have solved the problem of the Serbs and there will be no more Serbs. ” The% and 6% of the Yugoslavs of which there were, and 3% of which there will be will no longer threaten the Croatian state. “
Tudjman indirectly “admitted” here that there were 18 percent Serbs and that it was projected to drop to 3 percent.
According to the data, 756,549 citizens voted for autonomy. It is known that a significant part of Serbs did not have the opportunity or did not want to come forward, and it is also known that minors did not come forward.

Dr. Slobodan Komazec, Photo Archive
If we ignore these data, the sum of the number of Serbs in Croatia according to the 2001 census does not match the number of refugees in Serbia, the Republika Srpska, Montenegro and the rest of the world. There are significant differences in relation to the total number of Serbs in Croatia, as indicated in the 1991 census. This is what the historian Mile Dakić, MA, who has dealt with the history, problems and position of Serbs on the territory of Croatia, Slavonia and Dalmatia, he has said about it;
“It is known that there are more than 80% Serbs in the structure of Yugoslavia and that the proportion of the Serbian people before the war was more than 900,000, or more than 20% of the total population of Croatia, that Croatia lacks about 700,000 Serbs. At least after the last census, the world should be clear, what happened. ” The fact is that the censuses and the interpretations about the number of Serbs in Croatia were not correct. And that was in function of suppressing the constitutivity and reducing it to a national minority.
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