GREAT POLICE ACTION: 28 Serbian directors and officials “fell” – Here’s who was arrested for millions of embezzlements


Among those arrested is the deputy mayor of the city of Novi Pazar, E.Š. (39), former mayor of Prijepolje DZ (55), former mayor of Arilje MN (64) and deputy mayor of Arilje BV (55).

According to the Ministry of the Interior, they were arrested in an action aimed at suppressing financial crime and corruption, and are charged with committing various criminal acts of abuse of official position, influence peddling and abuse in connection with public procurement.

It is added that the suspects were arrested in cooperation with the Special Department for the Suppression of Corruption of the Kraljevo High Prosecutor’s Office, and that criminal charges were brought against three persons in an ordinary procedure.

In addition to the deputy mayor of Novi Pazar, E.Š., the head of the public company “Instituto de Urbanismo”, S. Lj., Was also arrested in that city. (44), the person in charge of the public utility company “Gradska čistoća” EO (58) and eight others due to suspicions of criminal acts of influence peddling, abuse of official position and abuse in connection with recruitment public.

Likewise, an employee of the Municipal Administration of the city of Novi Pazar MD (52), employees of the Cultural Center of that city AI (42), as well as owners of five companies, were arrested, while criminal charges were filed against a person in an ordinary procedure.

In Prijepolje, in addition to the former president of that municipality DZ, the head of the kindergarten “Miša Cvijović” IK (42), as well as six municipal officials, were arrested on suspicion of having committed criminal acts of abuse of office, abuse of charge to help and influence trade.

Criminal charges in the ordinary procedure will be brought against the person responsible for the Prijepolje Tourism Organization.

In Arilje, the head of the municipal administration of Arilje GP (56) and the RNV (58), an official from the local community Kruščica TK (45), a football official from “Budućnost” from Arilje MS (69) were arrested , a former worker from the municipality of Arilje, as well as owners of two companies. companies in the territory of that municipality, on suspicion of committing criminal acts of abuse of official position.

The police will also bring criminal charges against the former mayor of Arilje ZT in a regular procedure.

They are accused of abuses and machinations in the public procurement procedure.

Those suspected of abuses and machinations in the public procurement procedure will be taken to the competent prosecutor’s office, along with criminal charges.

As announced, the Minister of the Interior, Aleksandar Vulin, held a meeting with the heads of the Directorate of Criminal Police, in which he praised the members of the Special Department for the Suppression of Corruption, who arrested 28 suspects today.

The collegiate defined the priorities in the work of the Directorate of Criminal Police, which will have a special emphasis on the fight against organized crime, especially drug trafficking.

Sandzak’s Democratic Party was announced

As the majority of those detained in Novi Pazar are members of the Sandzak Democratic Party (SDP), the party, which is the center of power in Novi Pazar, issued a press release in which it “protested against the way in which officials from the municipal administration were arrested. “

– They are honorable and honest people who have not had the least romance in their careers. We are completely convinced that they did not embezzle or put a single dinar in their pocket, which, undoubtedly, will be confirmed by all the courts, said in the party whose founder is Rasim Ljajić.

The SDP adds that “they support the fight against corruption, that they have been fighting it since it exists, but not selectively and in this way innocent people are lied to and arrested as criminals.”

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