GREAT NEWS! It is known when exactly roaming between countries in the region will be abolished: soon we will ask the EU to do a lot – Kurir


  1. GREAT NEWS! It is known exactly when roaming between countries in the region will be abolished: we will soon be asking a lot from the EU.
  2. Complete suppression of roaming in July 2021: Reduction soon between the World Bank and the EU? B92
  3. NO MORE ROAMING! From July 2021, free of charge for the Western Balkan countries, and then with the EU Blic
  4. ROAMING COMPLETELY DISCONTINUED: Known date when the residents of the Western Balkans will be able to talk on the phone at normal prices Vecernje Novosti
  5. Bregu: From July next year no roaming costs Vijesti
  6. See full description in Google News