Great growth in the number of newly infected with coronavirus in Knić


The small municipality of Knić in Šumadija records an alarming number of 26 citizens newly infected with coronavirus in the last 24 hours, and the number of people who tested positive for corona in Šumadija is 43.57 percent, according to the Institute of Public Health Kragujevac (IZJZ), processed before 8 pm

In the previous report from the Kragujevac PHI, Knić had only one person recently infected with the coronavirus, and it is a municipality that did not have a single infected person for two and a half months in the first wave of the corona, until the end of May, and it was one of four such municipalities in Serbia. Knić has 200 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants and the district of Šumadija has 127 infected per 100,000 people.

In the Šumadija district area, 386 people were infected with coronavirus. Kragujevac has 254 infected citizens in one day, or 141 positives per 100,000. Arandjelovac has 39, Batočina 21 infected, Topola and Rača 16 and Lapovo 14 people positive for the coronavirus.

IZJZ also registered a person from Čačak who contracted a crown.

The IZJZ’s “Kraguj” laboratory, which performs PCR tests and antigen tests in health centers, analyzed a total of 886 swabs. The result is that there are 43.57 percent positive in relation to the number of those tested in Šumadija, a jump of six percent in relation to the previous report.

There are 6,999 people in home isolation in the Šumadija district, mostly from Kragujevac (6,274), Batočina (216) and Topola (180), according to Kragujevac IZJZ.

The Kragujevac Clinical Center hospitalized 230 patients who are being treated by Kovid: 19, of whom 20 are on respirators. 23 patients were discharged from KC coronavirus treatment: 15 people from Kragujevac, two from Belgrade, and one person from Topola, Lapovo, Mladenovac, Lazarevac, Umka and Gornji Milanovac.

The Kragujevac Clinical Center and local crisis personnel have been hiding the death toll from the crown from the public since the start of the pandemic. It is still unknown what is happening to the patients and what their number is at the kovid temporary hospital in the lobby of the Šumadija Fair in Kragujevac.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
