PSG leader Pavle Grbović estimates that there will be a dialogue between the opposition and the government, mediated by Brussels, and if there is no dialogue, as he has said, there will be no new boycott, but a deepening of the crisis and “conflict of indoctrinated and desperate. ” The Dveri leader, on the other hand, said that he would not participate in opposition meetings and that only civil disobedience could lead to changes, and the key word is – rebellion.
Grbović assessed that the boycott had some kind of success. “The political crisis has deepened, no one can pretend not to see it, not even from the international community, the success of the boycott will be the negotiations with the international community, which will continue in the first quarter of next year. The only useful thing we can do now it’s how we’re going to welcome April 2022, ”he said.
Obradovic said there was no reason to celebrate the boycott’s victory, but that the government was still forced to make “some unusual moves.”
“If there is nothing debatable in the elections, why do you call early elections in a year? You must not fall in love with their turns, you must do your job. All the stories have been told about the electoral conditions, and that is why I do not participate in meetings of the opposition “. “I am wasting my time. It is no longer an issue, but we have the strength to pressure the government to comply with those demands,” he said.
He said that the opposition does not agree on the way this can be achieved, and that there is a large part of the opposition that believes that Brussels is the solution to all problems and that the EU will “force Vučić with a magic wand. “to ensure free elections.
“I am not enthusiastic about the idea of the EU solving our problems, but with other variants that we must fight ourselves for these conditions. The only language that this regime understands is the language of demonstrations and civil disobedience,” he added.
As he said, the opposition cannot wait indefinitely for Brussels, nor ask the government to meet with it, but must agree on what kind of protest or demonstration it can fight.
Grbović, on the other hand, points out that there will be a boil. “They will not be able to deny the existence of a real picture in Serbia … I am convinced that (the dialogue) will happen, if it does not happen, there will not be a new boycott, but a deepening crisis and a conflict of indoctrinated and desperate people If we don’t change that, it is completely irrelevant how the elections will be held, we will no longer be a society, “said Grbović, responding to the question about the message of the European Parliament’s rapporteur for Serbia, Vladimir Bilčik, that the main interlocutor of the EU will be the parties in parliament.
Obradovic believes that there will be “those critical masses” for change. “People are fed up, they are going to take to the streets without politicians or with politicians and they will say that this is no longer possible … We have the right to oppose civil disobedience. We take to the streets because all our institutions are blocked,” he added .
He said he believes “things must change dramatically.” “The system must be completely dismantled, and the key is to change the electoral system, which we, as the opposition, should put on the table. Such a system exists only in two countries in Europe: Serbia and Montenegro, the partocracy wants such a system. This is an equally important issue “like freedom of the media or a campaign by officials. Why? Because the SNS is more afraid of changing the electoral system in the world, they are merging the elections because all the lists will bear the name of Vucic. Because none of their candidates can go to the polls with their own name, “he said.
The Dveri leader assessed that the biggest problem is the lack of geographical preparation in parliament.
“Only general civil disobedience can lead to these changes. The key word is rebellion, for a rebellion to break out across Serbia, do not bow down and be trampled on,” he said.

Grbovic agreed that changes to the electoral system and purging are needed, but added that many other processes are also needed, such as substantial decentralization.
When asked if they would agree to go to the joint elections, Grbović said that there are arguments at the moment for both solutions, while Obradović said that it is better for democracy to be separated.
“Of course, our goal should be the separation of the elections, but the key question for us now why it could be problematic for the opposition is because of the capacity of the opposition, but the separation separates the chances of winning at least on some level. “Grbovic added.
He also stated that in 2022, the opposition must be greeted with an alternative. “If we become an alternative by then, then the opposition will be reserved for Vučić in 2022, if we continue to fall in love with our opposition status, then we can stop getting involved in politics because we will make sure we are the opposition for life,” he added.
Obradovic said that when the elections are held, the opposition must sit at a table and see in which column it is the smartest thing to organize so as not to lose a single vote.
“That is the wisdom that the opposition must show. Let us make columns intelligently, achieve results and defeat this government. This is possible in the Belgrade elections, in the presidential elections, and it is not excluded that we can achieve it in the early parliamentary elections.” , he concluded. .
“Nonsense in the Assembly”
Speaking of the election of Ivica Dacic as president of the parliament, Obradovic said that there was a nonsense in the assembly and that it was not sustainable.
“There is no opposition in the assembly, it is an alliance of the progressive bot people, it has no legitimacy and it is not sustainable, and it is no coincidence that the regime announced new elections,” he said.
Grbović says that Dačić is a hook and that only at first glance does it seem that his appointment to that position is “degrading” to him.
“He remains in the field of diplomacy in a very important way. Now he will be one of the key factors in the dialogue between the government and the opposition, he is known as a master of lawyer diplomacy, who is perceived as a person who will turn his back on Vucic tomorrow. ” deceive that he can do that, that he is more acceptable in dialogue than Maja Gojković, and will play an important role in making this happen, ”said the PSG leader.

About “Mirditi”
Speaking about the tensions around the Mirdita festival, good afternoon, Obradović said that if Miša Vacić and Simo Spasić were noticed there as, as he put it, “outstretched arms of the ruling regime, then that event organizes the regime to divert attention from all other topics. ” “We are going to deal with the bones then, without dealing with the essence,” he added.
On the other hand, he added, if the Albanian minority wants to make their culture known, of course they have the right to do so, but if it is, as he said, “a false state of Kosovo and a provocation, of course it causes animosity among citizens. “.
“What festival is it? I wonder if it is a festival of the Albanian national minority living in Serbia or another Albanian state that intends to steal a part of the state from us,” he said.
Grbović said that we have a serious problem if a play or cartoon can cause such a revolt in our country. “Belgrade is an open society, and this is a kind of rent-fascism, these people work by order of someone and it is dangerous for them to degrade the notion of patriotism and love for their people, that what they are doing is all against”, concluded.