GRAPHICS THAT INSTALL FEAR … Today there was a slight drop in the number of infected, but the KON COEFFICIENT shows that the situation is quite ALARMING


The number of new cases of coronavirus in Serbia in recent days is in three digits, Belgrade has been marked as the main focus, and the authorities warn to respect epidemiological measures and greater control to avoid a more dramatic deterioration of the situation.

How quickly the overall epidemiological picture can change is best shown by the ratio between the number of examined and infected, that is, called. Kon’s coefficient, which has increased dramatically in the last ten days.

Photo: Blic / RAS Serbia

According to the latest data, 4,976 people were tested for the corona virus in 24 hours in Serbia, 168 of them tested positive. If we compare the most recent data on the number of people tested and infected, we will get Kon’s coefficient of 3.38 percent! And just ten days before, more precisely on September 29, it was only 0.88, very close to the magic limit of 0.5%, which is marked as ideal.

It is true that on October 5 we had a lower number of infected (51), but fewer tests were done, and that is why the Kon coefficient is not the lowest for this date. It should also be noted that October 5 was a Monday, and the practice is for a smaller number of people to come to test during the weekend.

The number of infected people has increased in recent days, and Kon’s coefficient has now reached a value of more than 2%, which is not a good thing, and Dr. Predrag Kon warned about that figure previously.

By the way, today’s 3.38 percent is the highest number since September 13, when it was 3.5 percent, the second highest in the past two months.

How important is the Kon coefficient?

At the end of the first wave of the coronavirus, Dr. Predrag Kon said “that we will be able to talk about lifting the state of emergency and lifting restrictive measures when this number falls below five percent.” On the other hand, the time to tighten the measurements is when the “Kon coefficient” reaches a value greater than two.

– When the number of new infected in relation to the number of analyzed falls below 0.5 percent, it is a sporadic occurrence – Dr. Predrag Kon said at the time we thought that the first wave of the corona had passed.

As it is now, we are far from the desired 0.5 percent, and that figure does not support the announcements of the Crisis Staff members for the fight against kovid-19, who warn that we will have an autumn peak whose impact will be could feel in seven to ten days.

VIDEO: Kon: The measures serve to prevent the virus from entering Serbia, solidarity is necessary
