GRANDMOTHER MIRKA LIVES ALONE WITH 11,000 AND SHE NEVER HAD A NIGHT THAT EVEN WORSE PROBLEM AWAITED HER. Did they come to her house and sell a mattress for 120,000 ?!


GRANDMOTHER MIRKA LIVES ALONE WITH 11,000 AND SHE NEVER HAD A NIGHT THAT EVEN WORSE PROBLEM AWAITED HER. Did they come to her house and sell a mattress for 120,000 ?!

Photo: TV Lav plus Youtube Printscreen

ČAČAK – Grandmother Mirka (82) lives alone, in a dilapidated and plaster-free house without bathroom and kitchen, it can be said in misery and as a social case, only 11,000 dinars of agricultural pension.

photo: TV Lav plus Youtube Printscreen

He says that he carried, dragged, fought, brought water in his hands, helped everyone and where he could, and now in his old age he has experienced this torment that he never dreamed that he could bear … So says grandmother Mirko from the vicinity of Čačak, Alone and in tears over her difficult life, she was announced by Lav plus television, that she met Mirko on an unusual occasion.

And what happened? SGrandmother Mirko, in social danger, a company sold a mattress worth 120,000 dinars at the door? The vendors assure that the grandmother was “aware and oriented” on that occasion, conversational …

photo: TV Lav plus Youtube Printscreen

– They told me that PIO was sending them to visit retirees, to do what I needed. I was hoping they would come and they came. They arrived late at night. They were very nice, they took off my socks, they put a mattress on me… They behaved very well. At no point did I know that they were going to deduct from my pension, nor did they tell me anything. They only told me that I would be reborn when I woke up, that I would be better and that I would be grateful. They didn’t ask me how I lived when they saw the conditions in the house, that it had no water, that the walls here were almost bare. They took a check and saw how much my pension was. They saw that first – says Grandma Mirko.

photo: TV Lav plus Youtube Printscreen

Of the 11,000 pensions, 5,000 are deducted for 30 months. From that church she has to pay for firewood, food, water, but also people who will bring it to her because she cannot move. She adds that she did not even know that she would be deducted from her pension until she received the first check after the mattress. She says she didn’t even understand where her money was until her neighbor interpreted her check and saw that 5,000 was being deducted from her pension.

Mirka did not apply for social assistance, she cannot get all the papers herself because she can barely move and there is no money to go to the city to do it and deliver it.

( Low plus)

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Author: delivery courier
