Following her arrest, Sladjana Raskovic (41) admitted that on December 9, at night, she repeatedly hit her neighbor, the foreign currency retiree Ivanka Raskovic (78), with an ax after breaking into her home. The horrible crime took place in the town of Provo, near Vladimirac, where the two women are from.
As we learned, on Thursday night, just hours after the discovery of the terrible murder, the police knocked on the door of Sladjana, who, after being brought, in the presence of a lawyer, pressed the evidence and confessed to the murder.
Sladjana knew the victim well and knew her habits, plus she had small savings. Under cover of darkness, it is suspected that he snuck into the house and began a search for money. While wandering like this, Ivanka woke up, so he caught her in the act.
– It is suspected that there was a fight between Ivanka and Sladjana at that time, then Sladjana grabbed an ax and hit the unhappy woman on the head several times After the crime, in a panic, Sladjana, as suspected, tried to notice and erase the tracks, but not well enough. The remains of traces, fingerprints, as well as DNA traces, were enough to lead the police on the right path. Also, a part of the money was found in the house during the investigation – said our source.
Ivanka lent money to her neighborsa
Ivanka used to pay locals for small services or lend them money. He worked for many years in Austria, where his son still lives and works.
Provo residents don’t think highly of Sladjana. They say that she is allegedly unemployed and is trying to get money in various ways.
As we learn, Ivanka’s neighbors saw her alive for the last time on Tuesday, when she was feeding the cat in the yard and having coffee with the neighbor. The next day, her sister from Belgrade phoned and, since she did not answer, asked the first neighbor to verify what was happening. He went with his wife, but just in case, he peeked into the house first. It had something to do with it… The old woman lay in a pool of blood with her head broken.
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