Government session with the president: Kosovo issues, GDP and the fight against the crown


A special session of the Government of Serbia was held today, which was also attended by President Aleksandar Vučić. The topics were the fight against kovid 19, the Gross Domestic Product and Kosovo and Metohija.

Although it was announced that the Prime Minister and the President of the Assembly would address the media, only President Vučić spoke to journalists.

While Kosovo President Hashim Thaci says that without acknowledging the dialogue, Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić does not make sense, he says that it was not agreed in Brussels and that it is the Union of Serbian Municipalities.

Remember that Pristina obligation and the 2013 agreement implementation plan.

“The implementation will consist of six main elements. One is the adjustment of legal frameworks, two are associations and communities, three are police, four are judicial, five are local elections, six are general provisions. So what do you think it means to adjust legal frameworks? “We had to do that,” Vucic said.

And in the aforementioned legal framework adaptation plan, constitutions are not explicitly mentioned, but the following is written:

– Both parties will present to the Implementation Committee for consideration their detailed plans and deadlines related to the legal changes necessary for the implementation of the “First Agreement”.

– Both parties will adopt all necessary amendments to the law necessary for the implementation of the “First Agreement”, including the Amnesty Law.

The President recalled that, according to the agreements, the Constitutional Court of Kosovo should have considered the decree of the Government of Kosovo and not the agreement on the Union of Serbian Municipalities.

“As you know, the devil is in the details. So the management team submitted the statute. However, it was never accepted. The government (of Kosovo) only needed to declare that it was submitted. To the constitutionality assessment of the Constitutional Court. from Kosovo, “says Vučić.

He blamed the previous authorities for the wrong decisions, citing the Kosovo problem and the construction of a mine near Loznica.

“Not me, not us, them. Perhaps Ivica (Dacic) was, however, he was in all governments. Always, a man has never been in the opposition. And now he will tell me that I was two years from 2000 to 2002”, stated Vučić.

“Well, I was there and I saw that it was not well,” replied the SPS leader and the new president of the Assembly.

“He always had the greatest charm … And make people laugh. So what to do, that’s the same story with Kosovo,” concluded Vucic.
