GORI NIKŠIĆ, FREEDOM IS CELEBRATED! Endless columns of Serbian tricolor vehicles surround the city, GREAT VICTORY OF THE PEOPLE! (VIDEO)


According to the Kurir reporter from Nikšić, endless columns of tricolor vehicles surround the streets of Nikšić.

elections in Niksic
photo: Z.Š.

The gathered people carry the flags of Serbia, the ancient Montenegrins and the torches are lit and the citizens sing in a chorus:

elections in Niksic
photo: Courier

“They will no longer arrest the Serbs in Niksic after Madjaric” and “Krupac sings Slano suffers Milo, suffers Brano”.

There are also sympathizers on the streets who supported the DPS, so there was a fight between the guys in the tricolor car and a few with Montenegrin flags on other cars, but it all ended quickly.

elections in Niksic
photo: Courier

“These two months are only a small part of the fight that our parents started. We defeated the DPS and sent it to the past tonight.

elections in Niksic
photo: Z.Š.

I am honored to have been the holder of the list of these wonderful people. I will not give up those people, but I will stay with this coalition, “Marko Kovacevic said tonight.

elections in Niksic
photo: Z.Š.

Kurir.rs/Z. Shaponjic

delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
