Goran Vesić made a list of 14 items that Dragan Đilas will be dangerously embarrassed about



29.09.2020. 22:00 – 29.09.2020. 22:32

The list that makes Djilas sweat.

Goran Vesic, Dragan Djilas

Goran Vesić, Dragan Đilas, Photo: colage

one. If there were no change of government in Belgrade this year, the Serbian president would apologize to Croats and Bosnians for the thousandth time, probably now also for Stefan Nemanja.

two. If there was no change of government in Belgrade, parents would still pay double for kindergartens, because Djilas has been with them from 2008-2012. they took three billion dinars for which 15 kindergartens could be built.

3. If there were no change of government in Belgrade, almost 74 thousand children would not go to daycare today, but 49 thousand as in 2012.

Four. If there were no change of government in Belgrade, the children of Leštani would continue to use the Polish toilet.

5. If today there were no change of government in Belgrade, the average salary would not be 628 euros, but 452 euros, which was the amount in 2012.

6If there were no change of government in Belgrade, 750 thousand Belgraders would not be employed today, but about 560 thousand as in 2012.

7. If there had been no change of government in Belgrade, the Makiš-Mladenovac water supply system would not have been built, because Đilas is not interested in whether the citizens of Grocka, Vrčin, Umčar or Ritopek have water, as he does. .

8. If there were no change of government in Belgrade, a sewage treatment plant would not be built today and the Vinča landfill would not be closed.
If there was no change of government in Belgrade this year, the detour around Belgrade would not have been completed, as Djilas and Tadic opened a “detour” with two lanes of traffic.

9. If there was no change of government in Belgrade, a new Clinical Center, Dedinje Hospital, Tiršova 2 and a new ambulance building would not have been built.

10. If it weren’t for the change of government in Belgrade, we wouldn’t have a monument to Stefan Nemanja, but probably Dino Merlin, as Tadic and Djilas bought tickets to his concert and Ivanovic washed his biography.

eleven. If there were no change of government in Belgrade, today neither Belgrade would be built on the water, nor Prokop, nor a new bus station.

12. If there was no change of government in Belgrade next year, we would not start building the metro, but we would hear Djilas’s lies that the metro will start construction in 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012, and he did not have a project, and did not I will talk about money.

13. If there was no change of government in Belgrade today, our city would owe at least 2.5 billion euros instead of the 1.2 billion euros of debt that Djilas left us in 2012.

Eh yes. I almost forget it.

14. If there were no change of government in Belgrade, Djilas companies would not have a turnover of 619 million euros, as much as they achieved between 2008-2013. already at least 1,500 million euros.

“But fortunately for our city, the women and men of Belgrade know this well. That is why they elected Aleksandar Vučić twice in the elections, in 2014 and 2018, and not Dragan Đilas,” Vesić concluded.
