Goran Markovic – Vucic pretends to be clumsy regarding the attack on Seka Sablic


Vučić pushes the most stupid and primitive people to the front ranks to spit on the artists, and then pretends to be clumsy. In fact, these moral monsters just reproduce his sick thoughts and obediently repeat what he says, is director Goran Markovic’s first reaction to Nova.rs to Aleksandar Vučić’s guest appearance last night on RTS, during which he commented on the embarrassing attacks. from his party MP Marko Atlagić to Seka. Sablic.

Markovic also referred to the latest crucifixion of director Srdan Golubovic in tabloids close to the government.

Although the Serbian president said that he did not agree with the way SNS MP Marko Atlagić addressed the actress Seki Sablić, he immediately downplayed his performance by stating that the actress granted a political interview to NIN, writes “Nova. rs “.

Despite Vučić’s assessment that it is “politically incorrect” for Atlagić to characterize Seka Sablić, he added that he would not “agree” with a single sentence from the actress, pronounced in an interview for this weekly, that director Goran Marković explains saying that the president of Serbia clumsy ”.

“Vučić pushes the most stupid and primitive people to the front line to spit on the artists and then pretends to be clumsy. In fact, these moral freaks just reproduce his sick thoughts and obediently repeat what he says,” Markovic told Nova .rs and added:

“It is a classic sect that tries to suck everything it can from its slaves. And the others, who do not agree with a shameful position, try to humiliate and intimidate ”, emphasizes the theater and film director and teacher.

Without dwelling only on Vučić’s comment on Seka Sablić’s interview, Marković also refers to the latest attack on director Srdan Golubović.

It should be remembered that two days ago, the film director, reacting to the selection of this year’s Serbian candidate for the American Academy of Cinema award “Oscar”, estimated that he followed him due to problems related to meeting the criteria and the transparency of the process.

This mainly refers to the fact that the selected film “Dara iz Jasenovac”, as emphasized by Golubović, was not distributed in Serbia, but was only shown at the Gračanica House of Culture.

“The latest case of a state tabloid attack on Srdan Golubovic, one of the best film directors we have, is just one of a series of atrocities by the island’s dark ones. The only thing is that the artists are a little different. to others; by definition they believe in the truth and stand firm. “Goran Markovic recalls, noting that” breaking up a real artist is a very, very difficult job. “

And that is why in the end he sends this message: “The sect and its guru must understand that. If they had read a little, they would have known that Mikhail Bulgakov said: ‘The manuscripts are not burned.’
