Gojković: Worrying epidemiological situation, more and more young people are infected


The epidemiological situation in Serbia is worrying, said Zoran Gojković, the provincial health secretary and member of the crisis staff of the Serbian government for the suppression of the epidemic.

He stated that “the number of new patients has increased steadily for four to five days, and the system has been overloaded for 10 months.”

“It is not good that our data today is similar to yesterday’s. We are expecting more entries from certain cities, but the sections are similar. It is not good that we have more and more young people infected,” Gojkovic told Serbian radio and television. .

He did not specify whether the Crisis Staff will propose stricter measures in Wednesday’s session, but said that due to the “free circulation” of the virus in certain schools, its re-closure is being considered.

Temporary Hospital Arena

“It is one of the options that we will discuss tomorrow. We will see in which direction the story will go with the schools,” Gojković said.

He added that so far 1.3 million citizens in Serbia have received the first dose of the coronavirus vaccine, and 472,000 have received the second.

On the occasion of the massive commemorative demonstrations on Friday, after the death of the musician and poet George Balasevic, Gojkovic said that “you cannot act repressively on people who have the need, desire or motive to express their emotions.”

“The matter did not get out of control, but people are full of emotions, and it is very difficult to put them in the background in this situation,” Gojković explained.

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