Gojković: The epidemiological situation in Vojvodina is uncertain, there is no reason to panic


Provincial Health Secretary Zoran Gojković said that it had been said before that there would be many problems with the coronavirus during the autumn and winter and that therefore Serbia was preparing for the winter period by strengthening its capacities.

He told TV Pink that crisis personnel have been acting in accordance with the active epidemiological situation since March, but are also preparing for possible more difficult scenarios that may arise.

“From the beginning we said that this would be a lasting fight, that it would not be easy for anyone in the world, not even for us,” Gojković said.

He stressed that it was the entire Belgrade Arena turned into a kovid hospital and that it was worked for three or four months.

“A maximum increase in capacity and equipment has been prepared. We have learned a lot during the previous months,” Gojkovic said.

He said that at the moment, the situation in Vojvodina is stable, but uncertain due to the appearance of the virus in all administrative districts of Vojvodina.

“The number of newly infected people on a daily basis is much lower than in central Serbia, especially in Belgrade,” Gojković said, adding that he was proud of all the citizens of Vojvodina.

Gojkovic said that citizens must understand the situation in our environment, and in what we.

“There is no reason for panic and fear, but we must be extremely careful and act on what the profession and science say,” Gojković said.

According to the latest data released by the Institute of Public Health on October 14, 72 people in Novi Sad are infected with the corona virus, while the total number of patients in the province is 201.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus
