Gojkovic: the Assembly will meet in the coming days to lift the state of emergency


Serbian Parliament Speaker Maja Gojkovic said parliamentarians did not meet to present a state of emergency, but that when the conditions are met, they will meet to abolish it, Beta reports.

In an exchange of responses with MP Nenad Konstantinovic of the Vojvodina Front-Serbia 21 club, he said that the state of emergency had been introduced under the charter of the Constitution and that 95 percent of citizens were in compliance with all regulations.

“The Czech parliament did not meet, so what does it mean that it is not a democratic state? In the United States, both houses do not sit, they do not care,” Gojkovic said, adding that the Inter-Parliamentary Union report states that all the states are calling, they are sitting. lane, and rarely someone at full capacity.

Gojkovic said that citizens should not worry about the future, “everything will be fine, the SNS will win because citizens trust Aleksandar Vucic and the SNS, so I will eliminate the dilemma for you,” said the president of the Assembly.

Member of Parliament Nenad Konstantinovic previously said that the opposition side he represents does not have a dilemma that the constitution was violated during the introduction of the state of emergency, as he believes the Assembly could have met as early as March 15 .

He added that part of the opposition had gone to the Assembly to hear what would be done after the state of emergency, that citizens were confused, without the government presenting a written report or a plan of measures for a possible second round of the pandemic. .

Konstantinovic said economic measures were not discussed, that it was not good for parliamentarians to vote on rebalancing the budget as a regulation without being able to propose amendments, and when it came to aid of 100 euros, the parliamentarian urged the government not to humiliate citizens in doing so. they need to answer the phone and ask for that money.

MPs should end the debate at the end of the day to confirm the introduction of the state of emergency and the regulations adopted by the government during the state of emergency.
