Gojković: Extremely unfavorable in Serbia, with a threatening emergency situation


The provincial secretary of Health, Zoran Gojković, declared tonight that the epidemiological situation in Serbia is “extremely unfavorable, with a threatening emergency situation” in several local autonomous governments.

“What is worrying and dangerous is that in five to seven days, 10 percent of this number of positive people will require hospitalization. That is 300 to 400 a day. These are numbers that medical care cannot meet,” he said. It is Gojković in the Serbian Radio-Television program “Questionnaire”.

He stressed that these are “exhausting moments” for the health system, adding that the amount of oxygen consumed in hospitals in a month is consumed daily.

He said that the biggest problem now are large cities, that most citizens adhere to epidemiological measures, and stressed that it is necessary to understand that there will be no “normal life” for some time.

Belgrade Deputy Mayor Goran Vesić stated that the amendment to the Law on Protection of the Population against Infectious Diseases and the Law on Misdemeanors will allow between 400 and 500 communal inspectors and militiamen to control the application of epidemiological measures in Belgrade .

He said that the mode of operation of the catering facilities in Belgrade will not change and stressed that it is necessary for citizens to learn to “live with the virus.”

“The economy must work. In Belgrade we have almost 50 percent hotel occupancy, and in the city center 80 percent. (…) It is very important that the economy works, not because it is our whim, But because Belgrade contributes 40 percent of Serbia’s GDP, “he said.

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