Gojković: Epidemiological measures will be taken to enter Serbia on Monday, the Society


The Provincial Secretary of Health, Zoran Gojković, announced today that the measures to enter Serbia will be adopted on Monday at the session of the Crisis Personnel of the Government of Serbia for the suppression of the corona virus.

Gojkovic: Epidemiological measures to enter Serbia will be adopted on Monday 1Photo: Beta / Dragan Gojić

He told reporters to give the results of the measures that have been applied during the last two or three weeks: “The result is that we do not have a surprising number of newly infected people.”

At the press conference of the Government Crisis Staff, Gojković said that Serbia was “at the peak of this wave of pandemics” and estimated that “the decline in the number of newly infected people will not be rapid.”

The provincial secretary also said that some private laboratories have received permission from the Ministry of Health to test for the corona virus, and that many private laboratories are doing so.

Gojković affirmed that the most infected with the corona virus are in Belgrade: from yesterday to today, it was confirmed in 1,561 people, followed by Kragujevac with 267 and Niš with 225 infected.

From yesterday to today, 6,534 new cases of coronavirus have been registered in Serbia and 55 people have died. A total of 255,758 people have contracted the virus in our country so far, and 2,227 deaths have been registered.

At no time did the profession request the imposition of a state of emergency now

The Provincial Health Secretary and member of the crisis staff for the suppression of the corona virus epidemic, Zoran Gojković, declared today that the profession never requested that a state of emergency be introduced in Serbia.

Asked about the recommendation of the United Against Kovid medical group to introduce a curfew for the New Year, Gojković said that “there is still a lot of time” until December 31.

“When the state of emergency was introduced, it was done at the request of the profession, and then everyone opposed the state of emergency and the decisions of the Crisis Staff. Now, the state of emergency suits them again, “Gojković said.

Commenting on allegations that citizens are booking New Year’s Eve at the catering facilities, Gojković said it was unrealistic to expect that “in two or three weeks a miracle will happen that we don’t have anyone in the hospitals.”

“I understand everyone’s desire to return to normal life, but don’t fool yourself. “By gathering at home parties, we are not fooling the state, but ourselves,” said the provincial secretary of Health.

When asked how many active cases of infection there are currently in Serbia, Gojković said that there are around 35,000 active cases in Vojvodina, but that there is no data for the entire country.

“This is not a crucial piece of information because at any moment it happens that someone comes out of the acute state and someone enters. We have a strategic key, perhaps the most important to understanding what a pandemic is, when we look at prime numbers. If we all get infected in Serbia in two or three months, we will have between 700.00 and one million citizens who will require treatment and, according to the world average, between 70,000 and 100,000 of them will die. That is why the whole strategy is to prevent the spread of the infection, to allow the health system to get the help of a doctor for all who need it, “Gojković said.

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