“God of justice” thundered on Lake Gazivoda! (VIDEO)



04.10.2020. 21:31

Dejan Petrović honked his horn with all his might.

Dejan Petrovic

Dejan Petrovic, Photo: Facebook / Printscreen

The sounds of the Serbian anthem “God of Justice” resounded yesterday on Lake Gazivoda with the trumpet of the best Serbian trumpeter Dejan Petrović from Užice.

Petrovic, along with the famous Kosovar actor Milan Vasic, has been in Kosovo for days to record a video for the elaboration of the song “I’m a boy from Kosovo”, and in addition to Gazivoda, they visited and recorded in Brezovica, Velika Hoca, Gracanica and North Mitrovica.

– I think we made a very nice video, and I expect the premiere in about 20 days on RTS and I can’t wait for everyone to see the video – says one of the most famous Serbian musicians, Dejan Petrović, for Kosovo Online.

He proudly notes that he played the Serbian hymn of God’s justice “with all his might” in Gazivode, or as some would now say, in Lake Trump.

– I played the justice of God with all my might, and may dear God protect us and all those who are in Kosovo and Metohija. This was the first time that I went further than Mitrovica, and I feel happy and sad at the same time, because it is easy to be a Serb in Kosovo from Belgrade and it is very difficult to be a Serb in those parts. Every part for those people – said Petrovic.
