God left me standing! I want to find a lady to help me in agony


VANJA MIJATOVIĆ AFTER 8 YEARS OF HARD TRAFFIC: God left me standing!  I want to find a lady to help me in agony

Photo: Damir Dervišagić, Kraljevačke Vesti Online

Vanja Mijatović recalled the difficult times in her life.

The singer was in a serious car accident eight years ago, and then she was in a car with her colleagues Stefan Petrušić and Ana Sević, returning from a humanitarian concert in Novi Sad.

Now his brother has dedicated an emotional video to him, which he published with a message on Instagram.

“8 years ago on this day, my brother wrote to me and dedicated this wonderful music to me, inspired by a not so beautiful event. This accident brought me a 6 month struggle to return to normal life and recover. Three years later She also brought me she also brought me to see life in a totally different way and to understand what happiness is. It is not a day when I do not thank God for leaving me standing and for showing me the right path. I give thanks every time. I do coffee, when I brush my teeth, when I sing, dance, go downstairs, because none of that, and much more, I couldn’t do it alone. My mom took care of me and I owe her a lot. My family was my support and I can’t thank them until the end of life, “wrote Vanja, continuing:

Vanja Mijatović
photo: Dragana Udovicic

“I remember that night there was a wonderful lady by my side until the ambulance arrived. I would like to find her, thank her because she helped me a lot in a moment of pain, fear and agony. She was my salvation.” I want and thank the wonderful doctors, nurses, colleagues, friends and people who don’t even know me, who came to visit me, sent a message and nice words and wished me a speedy recovery. I tell you it meant a lot to me. Life is very nice when you understand what really matters. Enjoy it, because you can have whatever you want, but not health. God thanks “.



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