“God forbid Srna was the target of really powerful people and rapists.”


Milica Jelicic, daughter of the former president of the municipality of Brus, Milutin Jelicic Jutka, sent threatening and insulting messages on Twitter to “Blic” journalist Ivana Mastilovic Jasnic.

A journalist who revealed the story of how Jutka sexually harassed his then business partner Marija Lukić and several other women who reported him to the police, was the first to publish information that the Kragujevac High Court upheld Jutka’s first instance verdict. , according to which he was sexually harassed. must spend three months in prison. He posted a link to the text on his Twitter account, after which a threat came from @MoralaSam’s profile.

Photo: Twitter / screenshot

“God forbid that SRNA was the target of ROYAL AND VIOLATING POWERS,” someone wrote anonymously, and put a cross at the end of this message.

Mastilović Jasnić says the message interrupted her.

– I saw the daughter’s name and the mysterious curse with the cross, and we all know what the cross suggests in this case. I didn’t care, she starts the story.

The Twitter profile @MoralaSam from which the threat came is followed by only nine Twitter users and has one follower.

– That is why it surprises me that she follows what I write so carefully that she knows that I am the author of the text, that I have a daughter and what her name is. I was worried and decided to report everything to the Krusevac Prosecutor’s Office, because I thought it was the work of Jutka’s associates, the same ones who came to support him in front of the court and insulted Marija and other women – says Mastilović Jasnić.

She adds that only then, analyzing the aforementioned profile, did she notice that it was not the first time that insults came out of her.

The support of a large number of Twitter users soon arrived. All condemned the controversial tweet and suggested that the journalist report on the case.

After a few days, the investigation led to a certain MM (29) from Mudrakovac, a place near Krusevac, from whose phone number the Twitter account was opened.

MM said he didn’t use that Twitter account, but gave his number to open an account about a year ago, and at the time he was on Bruce. She said that her boyfriend DM (48) from Brus is a former director of the Tourist Organization of that place and that he is very close to Jutka.

– He said that he approached Jutka’s family through her boyfriend and that he knew that Jutka’s daughter, Milica, has a false profile on Facebook through which she insults those who write against her father. When the police officers showed her the message, she expressed suspicions that it was written by Milica or one of Jutka’s family members – claims “Blic” source from the prosecution.

Ivana Mastilović JasnićPhoto: RAS Serbia

Ivana Mastilović Jasnić

He also admitted that that night he received an SMS message asking him to write insults and to think that Milica Jelicic was behind that message.

“Kur * etina announces that he will make a movie and that they will mention Jutka. He writes under a false profile, so ask him if he will be in that movie how he fucks him … and how he blackmailed him into giving him money. And everything that remember ”, is written in the message that MM received, and which is signed by a certain Mila, which may be the nickname of Jutka’s daughter.

MM’s phone was confiscated due to forensic expertise …

The next day, after new evidence was presented to her, probably on the advice of her family, MM admitted that Jutka’s daughter, Milica, was behind it all.

– MM said that in November of last year he created a Twitter account with his number and that the account was called @Milena. Later that account was transferred to Milica Jelicic, Jutka’s daughter, who changed the name of the account to @MoralaSam and who still uses it because Milica’s accounts were blocked. You know that Milica has fake profiles through which she makes insulting comments about journalists who write negatively about her father Jutka, and you also know that Milica wrote insulting comments to journalist Ivana Jasnić – our interlocutor revealed and added that MM used “Samsung”, while threatening messages were sent from the “iPhone”, so that was one more reason for the authorities to take a statement from Milica Jelicic.

Milica Jelicic was later invited as a citizen to give a statement and later admitted that she tweeted from the aforementioned account.

He was warned about the behavior, after which he promised not to send such messages again, and the prosecution believes that there are no elements to file a criminal complaint.

– Jutka has sued us more than 20 times and I am clear that with the prison sentence we have not come to an end. He will never give up, his will never give up, he will continue to insult, he will continue to threaten, because that is his way, and they go unpunished, then they can – says Mastilović Jasnić.

It also says that it will not file a private lawsuit.

– As a daughter, I can understand that Milica defended her father, she may believe that he is innocent. Maybe I would defend mine like this. However, as a mother, I cannot understand that he played with the name of an innocent boy, that he used a girl as a medium, that he put a cross next to that message – says our journalist.

Incarceration for father

The Krusevac High Court upheld the first instance verdict that sentenced former Brus municipality president Milutin Jelicic Jutka to three months in prison this summer. He was convicted of completely harassing former business associate Marija Lukić.

Mihailović: Terrible threat

The editor-in-chief of “Blic”, Predrag Mihailović, expresses his satisfaction with the quick reaction of the competent authorities.

– We were quite annoyed by the threat our colleague received, especially the horrible mention of children. Knowing her, I know she wasn’t scared and things like this can’t intimidate her. From Mr. Jelicic and his entourage, nothing can surprise us anymore. He still acts like an arrogant local sheriff and tries to trust the corrupt apparatus he has been building on Bruce for years. Thanks mainly to the great courage of Marija Lukić, then to the persistence of Ivana Mastilović Jasnić and other rare media outlets who covered the case, she now faces a well-deserved prison sentence as a sex offender, Mihailović concludes.
