GO TO THE KOVID CLINIC, FINISH WITH THE EYE! Several patients in Nis complained that they received BURNS from UV lamps


During the night, several patients came to the Nis Ophthalmology Clinic with pain and redness, doctors confirm, as well as patients who claim to have received burns from a UV lamp to disinfect the air at the Nis Health Center. The lamps are found in various places, most of them in the rooms where those who suspect they have covidito go, and the Health Center, despite the testimony of doctors and patients, assures that they only light them when there are no people in the room.

Nishlijka, who was with the child in pediatrics in the central building of the Health Center on Saturday, in a separate room for suspected covid, testified that a UV lamp was lit in the hallway, and was told to sterilize the space.

Exam by an ophthalmologist

Photo: Shutterstock

Exam by an ophthalmologist

He says it’s a small hallway where there isn’t much space so he couldn’t even walk away.

– When we entered, my sister came out, lit the lamp and jokingly told me that I could sunbathe. I know those lamps are harmful, but in that situation, the child is sick, they are testing it, it just didn’t occur to me that it could do me a lot of harm. I was standing there, but that hallway is so small that wherever you protect yourself from that lamp, it is half a meter to a meter above your head, says Nishlijka.

She waited for the procedure to finish, and when she returned home, the pain began: her eyes were burning and red, and the girl was complaining of the same symptoms.

– Then it begins to burn on my forehead and on my face, as if it burned me, I smeared myself with panthenol, I washed with cold water, but nothing, like the sun when you burn. It burns, it hurts, I barely managed to fall asleep. I wake up at night and I have no vision, I see nothing, just some silhouettes, I panicked. The girl wakes up and says that they also bake her a lot – continues this woman from Nis.

During the night, they went to the Emergency Center, where they received instructions for the Ophthalmology Clinic, and there they diagnosed that “the cornea was completely burned.” Doctors confirmed that the reason was the ultraviolet lamp and that they were not the only ones who attended an examination during the night.

– We asked if there was someone else with the same symptoms, they say that unfortunately it was and that we will not be the last. They said that this morning they would call the Health Center to remove it, because parents come there with their children and what they did is terrible – says Nishlijka.

UV lamps effective against corona, but …

Doctors from the Eye Disease Clinic also confirm that they had a lot of work, and that patients had just arrived who were in severe pain from the UV lamp on.

– There were more patients, I don’t know the exact number, but more, mostly parents of children. They came from the Kovid ambulance all night, because they got that ophthalmic photoelectricity. It hurts a lot, it’s like when someone without glasses looks at someone who is cooking, the doctors explain.

They explain that the greatest pains are during the night, and that it is necessary for patients to be in the dark, not to rub their eyes, but to use artificial tears and not put compresses in any way. They also point out that it usually happens without consequences, but that recovery takes several days.

What scares them is that more suspected covid patients in the previous days went to one of the few non-covid clinics in Nis.

– That lamp was obviously in Kovid’s ambulance, but it lights up at night when no one is in the room and when it is empty and is really effective against viruses, but not when there are people. These are all suspect patients, and now they come to the Emergency Department, then to us. It is more dangerous for suspected patients to parade through the night at Nevid hospital, they note.

The patient, who now says that she is sitting at home wearing sunglasses, notices that she is upset, because she did not believe that something like this could happen to her in a health institution.

– I have not slept all night, the light bothers me, so I’m sitting with sunglasses, they could have blinded us. I hope I have no consequences – he points out.

DZ: Lamps only turn on when no one is there

However, these testimonials from patients and doctors who examined them last night – from the Health Center do not admit. In their response to “Južni vesti”, they state that the employees turn on the ultraviolet lamps, which are found in various places, only when no one is in the premises.

– The UV lamp in the Nis Health Center is used in various places and, according to the Instructions for Use, it is used for air disinfection in work rooms. Included only when employees and patients are not in the room. The use of these lamps is an integral part of protection during the infectious disease epidemic and all employees under the Vertical and Horizontal Communication Procedure and the Internal Communication Procedure are familiar with the Instructions for Use and exclusively follow and follow the instructions : the authorities respond.

In conversation with a journalist who explained that the doctors testified that there were patients with pain and redness due to the included lamp, the Health Center promised to verify those complaints.

VIDEO: Simptomi korone
