Glisic: It is clear that Vucic has the last word – Society


Ruling coalition claims Ivica Dačić will lead dialogue on electoral conditions

“Based on the role of the Speaker of the Assembly, Ivica Dačić is responsible for leading the dialogue between the government and the opposition on the electoral conditions, just as Maja Gojković, the former Speaker of Parliament, was until recently.

Glisic: It is clear that Vucic has the last word 1Photo: FoNet / Aleksandar Barda

He is a legitimately elected Speaker of Parliament and therefore cannot be just a stakeholder in the dialogue, as some in the opposition would like to say. It is not yet known what the format of the dialogue will be, when it will start, with what topics, but also who will participate in the talks on behalf of the European Parliament, and the opposition is already trying to discredit Dacic as someone who will lead the negotiations, “he said Danas from the ruling coalition.

Enis Imamovic of the United Valley – SDA Sandzak parliamentary group, for her part, believes that the EU should organize and mediate in these negotiations, and that Dacic, as chairman of the ruling regime party, can only be one of the stakeholders in the dialogue. .

“If the SNS tries to hide behind Dacic, it will be a clear proof of the intention to quell the negotiations even before they continue, and that in fact they want to organize and carry out the next elections in the same undemocratic conditions as the previous ones.” The formation of a transitional government that would be exclusively concerned with changing the political system, as well as complying with the legal requirements to organize free, fair and democratic elections, should be seriously considered. “Our proposal is that all parties and organizations interested in participating in the elections participate in that government,” Imamovic believes, adding that the Serbian authorities completely ignore the essential criticisms of the EC Report itself and deal only with solutions. cosmetics that don’t touch the essence at all.

Imamovic says this is clearly confirmed by the way the code was introduced, a kind of political court, but also by the preparation of conclusions on the progress of European integration. “Precisely for this reason, the main responsibility and blame for the stagnation of the negotiations with the EU rests with the ruling majority, mainly in the SNS,” says the Danas interlocutor.

Unlike Imamovic, who believes that Dacic cannot lead the negotiations because one of the stakeholders is Vladan Glisic, the only independent MP in the Serbian parliament and the only opposition MP from the majority of the Serbian people, told Danas that Dacic is the President of the Assembly. Serbia is in charge of the dialogue process between the government and the opposition on electoral conditions, as was recently Maja Gojković.

“After all, the dialogue process will take place with the mediation of the EU.” But it is clear that the president of the SNS, who is also the president of Serbia (Aleksandar Vučić), has the last word in all the negotiations and all the important processes in our country. “That reduces Dacic’s room for maneuver, but considering his vast political experience and his ability to survive in the shadow of powerful rulers, I would not be surprised if he emerged from these negotiations and electoral tensions stronger than expected,” explains Glisic .

Djordje Milicevic, vice president of Dacic’s Serbian Socialist Party, says for Danas that it is not Dacic’s goal to position himself as the main negotiator in the inter-party dialogue.

Remember that Dacic follows only what Maja Gojkovic agreed with David McAllister.

“The fact that some of the opposition do not want to speak with Dacic is their problem and their frustration, and they have a legitimate right to have a say. But Dacic is the legitimate representative in the negotiations, because he is the legitimately elected president of the Assembly of Serbia. The question is whether we want to speak, for example, with Boško Obradović, because his party is not a parliamentary party. Will we be ideal in electoral conditions if we satisfy the conditions of all non-parliamentary parties, which are very many? Make no mistake that the opposition did not care about the talks, this was seen in the first phase of the dialogue when they tried to make a farce of everything and come to power without elections. “Even MEPs can’t help them there,” says Milicevic.

He notes that there will certainly be a dialogue, but the details are not yet known. He also recalls that MEP Tanja Fajon in the last dialogue had only one objective, to encourage the boycott of the opposition to participate in the elections and nothing more.

“The non-parliamentary opposition wants to impose that the parliament get involved in politics. “But the parliament’s work agenda will not be determined by the opposition, but by those who won the trust of the citizens in the elections,” Milicevic said.

MPs on Sunday on the EC report

Ivica Dacic convened a parliamentary session on Sunday, December 27, in which the deputies will consider, among other things, the European Commission Report on Serbia’s progress on the path to EU membership. This will be the first time that parliament has debated the EC report. Previously, this report was discussed in the sessions of the Committee for European Integration, which was attended by diplomatic representatives of the EU in Serbia, as well as some members of the Government and non-governmental organizations. The regular autumn session of parliament ends on December 29.

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