Gligorov agreed with Milosevic that Macedonia would be in Yugoslavia, and then the assassination took place!


SLOBIN'S BODYGUARD REVEALED FOR THE FIRST TIME: Gligorov agreed with Milosevic that Macedonia would be in Yugoslavia, and then the assassination took place!

Photo: Video prtscr / TV Happy

Goran Pajić, a former bodyguard of Slobodan Milošević, presented information about Macedonia’s efforts to remain part of Yugoslavia, which our public has not known until now.

According to his assertions in a guest appearance on TV Happy, the Macedonian President at the time of the RFSY’s disintegration, Kiro Gligorov, agreed with Slobodan Milosevic that Macedonia would be part of the new Yugoslavia.

“When Kira Gligorova was assassinated in 1995, he had previously been in a secret meeting in Belgrade with Slobodan Milosevic, and they agreed that Macedonia would be part of the new Yugoslavia. However, it was obviously not suitable for someone, so they organized better and faster Murder of him. Those things are decided in a split second, “said Pajic, who was part of Slobodan Milosevic’s Security Unit for 10 years, on the show” Good morning Serbia “with Jovana Jeremic.

photo: Profimedia / FRANCOIS XAVIER MARIT / AFP

It should be remembered that on October 3, 1995, Kira Gligorova was killed in front of the Bristol Hotel in Skopje, where he was seriously injured and lost his eye. The circumstances of the murder, as well as its perpetrators, are unknown to this day.

photo: Youtube prtscr / Envera Selimovic

Gligorov was the first president of Macedonia. He served two terms from 1991 to 1999., Photo: Vide prtscr / TV Happy

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