GLIGIĆ LIVE EXPLAINED ALL ABOUT THE CROWN VACCINE: How do we know it is effective and safe and that you would receive


“Almost all vaccines have shown an efficiency of more than 90 percent, which is more than enough to initiate vaccination if they have been tested for human use,” he said.

Medical workers over 80 are already being vaccinated in Britain, the United States is starting immunization today, but Dr. Gligić says he doesn’t understand the logic of that choice – that is, why those most transmitting the virus haven’t been vaccinated.

– I suppose we should be among the most threatened who can stop this pandemic, the medical workers and young people who transmit it, who sow it without clinical symptoms. I don’t know which of the older people is moving, probably because that population is the most sensitive, due to age and the immune system, he said.

The “Pfizer” vaccine is given in two doses and there are contraindications for all vaccines.

– All vaccines have been developed for a long time, all anomalies have been corrected, all vaccines that reach the mass application phase must not have any defect. Vaccines are stored specifically, using a rapid procedure, designed on paper, and then made in the laboratory. The tests were mandatory, on animals and then on people, classical tests were not carried out for various age groups, but they were done “quickly” but they were controlled enough to be able to obtain a license for a massive application. I know a lot about the Russian vaccine “Sputnik V”, I have to correct myself, and so far I have said “Sputnik five” … It is made in a “carrier”, in addition to “Modern”, a piece of the crown genome is inserted current in the form of a vaccine, and then fills in on the inside into an immune system trigger and creates antibodies, he said, adding that the vaccine is 92 percent effective.

– Each vaccine has been tested, its immunogenicity and toxicity, it can be performed in all laboratories in a month and a half or two. There has not been time for long-term safety testing, but there is experience with the SARS and MERS viruses. Vaccinations were made even then, and then they could say there were no long-term consequences. Meanwhile, the SaRS has disappeared and research is frozen, but the world’s great laboratories have that experience, he said.

What are the other differences between vaccines?

– The Chinese, Russians and Oxford, are made about a carrier, about a virus that we probably all have in our lives, they are harmless adenoviruses. The disease they cause is a simple sneeze, they do not cause serious problems. You drink tea and aspirin, cough and voila. There are more than 100 adenoviruses, and only part of the current corona is incorporated into the adenovirus in the vaccine, to cause the immune system to produce antibodies. All three vaccines were made in the same way. They just contain different adenoviruses, he said.

According to Dr. Gligić, the Russians did something special, the first dose is in one and the revaccination in the other type of adenovirus.

– In this way, efficiency is increased. These types of vaccines are not classic, they do not require such rigorous controls, so they are approved faster. I thought we would not get the vaccine in 18 months, but they were done – he said.

We will not get rid of the crown, the profession agrees on that, even Dr. Gligić.

– Experience with the study of such viruses shows that over time they cause smaller or larger epidemics or pandemics. We will not get rid of the crown, the goal is to stop the pandemic and the epidemic, and in the meantime administer and make more classic vaccines. These vaccines give immunity for up to two years, a little longer, a little less, and we have the crown in the environment. Corona viruses are in animals, they can happen at any time, so now it remains to be seen how we will fix that with these vaccines. Meanwhile, we will make a strategy or a classic vaccine against the virus that attacks. Such a vaccine is manufactured for years, the agent is weakened so that it does not cause disease, but long-term immunity to all types of corona, he said.

Do you think Torlak will make such a vaccine?

– It has facilities and conditions, that I know, and personnel, and now it is a matter of the country’s strategy and the decision with whom to cooperate in the manufacture of the vaccine – he said.

How long will it take us to know that the corona vaccine is effective?

– The vaccine will give an immune response, and we can measure it, but we must be aware that it will be measured by different methods. These current enzymes, which measure infection, must be complemented with classical methods to analyze the antibodies produced by the vaccine. At the moment, I can give some false positive and negative results, this is currently being talked about – said Dr. Gligić.

Which one would you receive, currently available?

– I stated, when I saw that the Russians were making the vaccine, that a work was published in eminent publications in which EVERYTHING was presented in detail, then I said that behind it was a great team of experts and that it was probably fine. They were bothered that the Sputnik V vaccine was not tested enough in humans, but 18,794 people received it. They also removed the suspicion that the West was putting the insufficient amount of evidence on people, he said.

She said she was not sure that Serbia would receive the vaccine before the end of the year.

– Sputnik V has arrived for us to check, and our Agency must check the immunogenicity, safety and toxicity of a certain number of samples. ‘Pfizer’ sent only documentation. Those vaccinated are followed for a long period of time, and that was done with SARS and MERS, which had enormous lethality, he said.


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