Virologist Dr. Ana Gligić stated as a guest on Pressing that it takes years for actual vaccines, which would perhaps give lifelong immunity. “These are new vaccines that have been manufactured, RNA and carriers, they do not require as extensive research as classic vaccines. According to experts from the East and the West, these vaccines do not provide immunity that lasts more than two years,” he says. .
Gligić says she heard the WHO forecasts, which warn they could have another very big spike in January and February, but that she has the opposite opinion.
“That we came and played at the top, and that the descent had already begun,” he says.
He pointed out that we still don’t know enough about the virus and vaccines, but that, given experience, we must believe that vaccines are effective and create immunity and will not give any consequences, but that we still don’t know everything about the virus.
He noted that there are two groups of vaccines.
“Pfizer and Moderna are manufactured as RNA, it is a vaccine that cannot cause disease, it produces real viruses, which bombard our immune system, produce antibodies, they say it is more than 90 percent effective. And vaccines manufactured in a carrier, like Oxford, Chinese, Russian … “, says Gligić.
He pointed out that the side effects are mainly pain at the application site and redness, then you may feel weak for a day or two, but that, he says, is all at a percentage below five per 100 vaccinated. The temperature, he adds, is very rare and lasts a day, without rising more than 37.2.
The Pfizer vaccine, he notes, requires special conditions and additional investment.
“It could cost the country a lot, Pfizer is obligated to deliver the vaccines under those conditions and it’s up to you to keep them until you use them,” he says.
In his opinion, we are now on top of the top.
“It will start to fall and we will have a slightly more relaxed situation after the New Year, however, my opinion does not agree with the opinion of the WHO, which predicts that there will be a very large peak in January,” he says.
Responding to the question about antivaxers, he says “he can’t understand that.”
“The greatest achievements in medicine are antibiotics and vaccines. Some diseases would not be solved without vaccines, or we would have permanent losses in humanity and natural resources. In addition to the measures that we are prescribed, we still have a large number of infected and severe clinical pictures. “Without the vaccine and the infection, we will not get rid of the crown, because it is from nature and because it will constantly appear to us from nature and cause us problems,” he says.
It takes years for real vaccines to give lifelong immunity, he says.
“These are new vaccines that have been made – RNA and on carriers, they do not require as extensive research as for classic vaccines. It is very important that we adhere to the measures, because they will help us to master them faster. These vaccines, according to experts Eastern”. and from the West they do not give immunity that lasts more than two years ”, he says.
Speaking of the situation in which the health system finds itself, he says that it does not happen only in our country.
“Similar things are happening in the world. Estimates certainly play a big role in the speed of the virus, if the decision is made today that the measures will start on Monday, they project that it should be done, it is not clear to me why it is not from that day”. It means that they projected to have a problem, I don’t understand why they didn’t leave immediately, “he says.
In his opinion, we are now on top of the top. “It will start to fall and we will have a slightly more relaxed situation after the New Year, however, my opinion does not agree with the opinion of the WHO, which predicts that there will be a very large peak in January,” he says.
He said that he differs somewhat in his perception of the situation of others and that he thinks the virus has changed in some way.
“This tests the detection of the virus among fur animals. I think the virus has changed in some way, and that we are the virus as projected in May when we took those measures, that the virus is somehow finished, and that These later variants have been incorporated now. We have entered a new epidemic in the epidemic, so I interpret a higher number of infections, “says Gligić.
At first, she said, she said the crisis staff lacks an experienced virologist and vet.
“An experienced virologist, not one of those who write books, but with the experience that he had the virus on his hands, and a veterinarian, because this is one of the most serious zoonoses that has hit the world,” he says.
During the smallpox epidemic, he says, there was a body that often met and argued, “whatever they decided, the state had to end.”
So, in a way, everything came out of what the expert would say, and then they asked the state for support, to go with the police to make contacts, which they did not want. Doctors always asked the state only to provide logistical support for implementation. of their decisions, ”he says.
As she said, the most important thing now is to gain immunity with vaccines and natural infections, and to stop the pandemic and the epidemic.
“And then meet in peace, take action, start a normal education of the staff, and that the children do not go to school on Skype, that will have greater consequences than the crown on the population, everything is connected. We have to stop the epidemic, and we can get back to normal life with this infection, and then with the vaccine, “says Dr. Gligić.
Commenting on vaccines, he says that immunity was said to last up to two years, and that through revaccination you can prolong and strengthen immunity.
“The question is whether those who have been vaccinated should be vaccinated, she says they should. Because in some people, the disease in its mild form did not give enough immunity to reach 60.70 percent of the immune population,” she says .
She noted that she was happy that the Prime Minister said she would take the vaccines from various manufacturers because, as she says, that would reduce the impact of anti-vaccines.
“It takes three to four years for a permanent vaccine to be tested in humans to get a license. No vaccine is 100 percent protective, but you will never develop a clinical picture that could lead to serious hospitalization or death. If you’ve been in contact with the coronavirus with poultry, for example, your body remembers this and a severe clinical picture should not develop. The interaction between the organism and the vaccine depends on the person, if you give it to someone who is exhaling and has a hundred pains, he will not react the same as in the others “. , He says.
Speaking of switching to online classes, he says he’s against it.
“I told Zagreb TV ‘don’t let them close schools and colleges’, because the consequences of that teaching, that education will be very difficult for future generations to come and study in that way,” he says.
As he said, “vaccination cannot stop the crown, but we can reduce and stop the epidemic.”
“There will be crowns, but we have to get involved a bit in ecology. The Danes buried the furriers, so they had to exhume and destroy them in the prescribed way so as not to cause a disaster in ecology. What will happen if someone buys Torlak and demolish buildings and dig a hole? ” where I destroyed Variola, “he said.
He noted that we must be aware that the transmission of the virus occurs in contacts.
“We must avoid contacts, wear masks, do only physical distance and not social distance,” said Dr. Gligić.
Shekler: Part of the work will be done with vaccines and a good part with natural disinfection.
At the beginning of the conversation, a virologist and microbiologist from the Specialized Veterinary Institute in Kraljevo, Milanko Šekler, joined the show via Skype. doctor of veterinary sciences, who was the first with his team of experts to “read” the coronavirus genome in Serbia.
He reiterated his words that he was “afraid that the vaccines would be too late.”
“They will arrive and part of the work will be done by them, and a good part of the work will be done by natural disinfection, of that I am sure. And what has happened so far with vaccines is very fast, faster than ever, but what the virus does is also faster than ever, “he says.
He thinks we are at the top of transmission.
According to him, the coronavirus was discovered in chickens in 1934 and vaccines have been around for 60 years.

Source: H1
“Today there are dozens of vaccines for this disease. I trust all vaccines whose registration and control procedure is carried out correctly. I am more in favor of standard vaccine production technology, these new RNA vaccines are produced on a new platform, we have the informational part of the virus genome “is cheaper to produce,” he says.
He hopes that this vaccine will be used to vaccinate the most threatened: the elderly, health workers, educators …
When asked by Dr. Gligić if he had read the coronavirus genome in the material since the beginning of the pandemic and, if so, if he intended to do so, he said that at this point they were not planning, but working.
“From the beginning, my laboratory came to the aid of the health sector because they did not have the capacity. In veterinary medicine, the control of infectious diseases is paramount, so there is a great capacity and experience in handling a large number of samples. As for sequencing, we started on our own initiative. To separate the samples, in the first part we sequenced 12 isolates, and we did it right away, we informed Professor Tanja Jovanović about it, she understood the importance of that, she supported it, then we sequenced another 150 viruses, we knew it was very important monitor “he says.
Speaking about the virus, he says it is good information that there have been no drastic changes since the pandemic.
“There are no drastic mutations in the sense that the virus has other characteristics,” he says.
According to him, the proportion of seriously ill people is probably the same as from the beginning.
“But then we had 200, 300 a day. Before, I think the appearance of a large number of serious consequences and hospitalized is a large number of people infected daily,” he says.
Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.