GIVE! THESE ARE NEW MEASURES! The shops are open until the 23rd, and most of the cafes WILL BE FULL NOW!


The work of the restaurant facilities that have a garden is extended until one hour after midnight, the work of shops until 11 at night, while the maximum number of people that can meet indoors and outdoors has increased from 10 to 30, it was decided yesterday at the Government Crisis Personnel session. From Serbia.

Favorable situation

The deputy director of the “Trampoline” Institute, Darija Kisić Tepavčević, stated that these decisions are the consequence of a more favorable epidemiological situation and that in the event of a further drop in the number of new patients, some more measures will be relaxed, but that does not mean that citizens should relax.

– The recommendation of the crisis headquarters to parents whose children traveled abroad is to spend 10 days in self-isolation. This is an additional type of precaution by which we call on parents to keep their children at home, not only not to send them to school, but also not to let the children leave the house during that period of time because they are possible carriers of the infection. If that period coincides with going to school, those children will follow classes online – Kisic explained, adding that strict recommendations were made at school, which must be followed, and will minimize the probability of transmitting the virus.

photo: Shutterstock

He affirmed at the press conference that Serbia is in the range of countries with a more favorable epidemiological situation in relation to neighboring countries, as well as that the introduction of a mandatory PCR test for some foreign citizens has proven to be a good measure.

We try more

– The list of countries with respect to PCR testing has not been revised. A proposal for an isolation measure for our citizens returning from abroad has not yet been presented, but that too may change. We talk about it every day. We have the highest number of tested citizens of any country in the region, 12,900 per 100,000 inhabitants, four times more than Croatia. And we always call on citizens to assess the risk for themselves and their families when they go on vacation, because the epidemiological situation is generally more unfavorable in those places than in our country – said Kisić.

photo: Courier

Kon pointed out that patients in home treatment do not have to be re-examined if 14 days have passed since the cessation of symptoms because, as he explained, even if the control PCR test was positive, the activity of the virus in that period is such that no is capable of stretching. In case, he says, the patient still has symptoms after 14 days of isolation, he can leave isolation when imported for three days without symptoms:

– This patient needs to have significantly easier breathing and, most importantly, that his control exam is good, because it is more important than the control PCR test.

Crisis staff decisions

  • l Extension of the work of cafes and restaurants with gardens until one hour after midnight
  • l The work of all commercial facilities is extended until 11 pm
  • l The maximum number of people allowed in public gatherings has been increased from 10 to 30 people.
  • l Quarantine for Serbian citizens returning from abroad has not yet been introduced.
  • l It is recommended that children who have been abroad stay home in isolation for 10 days and follow classes online.

Daily Crown Balance Two died, 108 infected

In the past 24 hours, 9,513 people were tested in Serbia, of whom 108 tested positive for coronavirus, while two people died, bringing the total number of deaths to 709, provincial health secretary Zoran Gojković announced yesterday. . – There are currently 35 patients with a respirator, 106 patients have been admitted to the hospital in the last 24 hours, while 86 people have been discharged and a total of 673 people are in hospitals. The number of positive health workers infected with the active coronavirus is 160, four of them are in the hospital. The situation in Novi Pazar is stable, we are far from the final victory, but this gives us an incentive – said Dr. Gojković.

Minister Djordjevic We have a smaller access point in Priboj

The epidemiological situation in gerontology centers in Serbia is stable and there is “only a smaller hotbed” of coronavirus infection in the gerontology center in Priboj, Minister of Labor, Employment, Veterans and Social Affairs Zoran Djordjevic said yesterday, confirming thus Kurir’s writing that he is in Priboj’s house. for the elderly infected more than two thirds of users. Djordjevic said the users of the nursing home got sick “well and have a clearer clinical picture.”

Jelena Pronić

delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
